How to Keep an ICO Bounty Program Active and Engaged With Content

Darcy Cudmore
4 min readJan 11, 2019


They cryptocurrency world is rapidly expanding and competition within the industry is fierce. With a steady stream of innovative new products hitting the market seemingly every day, these companies are finding it increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves from the pack in the eyes of their target audience. Every new crypto product needs to promote its ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in order to gain a starting base of exposure and media knowledge. Bounty programs are one of the most popular methods for spreading the word and building a following.

What is a Bounty Program?

They are incentives provided by the new offering to media influencers in exchange for public relations activities, usually in the form of cryptocurrency tokens. There is a fairly large variety of tasks that can be rewarded through bounty programs. All manner of marketing functions are popular choices, such as social media sharing, article writing, and forum mentions. These are almost always included as part of a “pre-ICO” bounty program. “Post-ICO” programs may still feature marketing incentives but also often add in more practical tasks like bug fixes and translation services. In order to maximize the effectiveness of a bounty program, it is essential to carefully integrate it into a more comprehensive public relations strategy.

Bernhard Blaha, co-founder of the betting site, Herocoin:

“It helped us in spreading our messages internationally by using multiplier effects, hence driving traffic parallel from all over the world and lowering language barriers”


While many of these activities are meant to drive immediate traffic or solve short-term fixes, written content with regard to the ICO has the potential to maintain its effectiveness throughout the entire process and beyond. Sustainable marketing material such as blog posts, newsletters, and web articles tend to be much more valuable than other types over the long-term. However, there is no shortage of crypto content available to interested parties so, in order to stand out from the crowd, the content produced must be both high quality and enduring.

So, the question is not whether or not an ICO bounty program should promote the project through written content — the answer to that is clearly yes — but how to produce the type of content that will attract and impress your target audience while still standing the test of time?


It is fine to specialize in a particular type of content — text-based blogs, for example — but it is important to mix it up occasionally to keep your readers from getting bored. Even if the content is continually unique, if the format and visuals are always the same people may still begin to tune out. Working in some images, videos, and graphics provides an enticing bit of variety.

Establish a Voice

This serves three purposes. One, it makes your content recognizable and familiar, something regular readers can appreciate. Two, it provides continuity of tone. It can be confusing and off-putting if a dry information piece is immediately followed by a campy, enthusiastic sales pitch. Each article should be unique, but still resemble the overall personality of the campaign. Three, sticking with a relatively similar tone makes it easier to generate content consistency.

Be Concise

That doesn’t necessarily mean enforcing a word count limit or leaving out key details, just that you should try to say what needs to be said in as straightforward a manner as possible. People tend to be busy, and it is no secret that there is a lot of information on the internet these days. If you provide engaging content your true target audience will want to read it. But they will be much happier about it if it doesn’t eat up half their morning, and much more likely to come back for the next article.

Include Links

The only thing better than a well-written article that provides excellent information in an entertaining format is the exact same thing, but with links to other equally great articles. Sure, not everyone has time to go down the rabbit hole of “new tabs”, but if the readers like your work and like the look of the link, well, they’ll probably at least bookmark it for later. And they will remember how useful your article was the next time you write something new.

Produce a Themed Series

People love a good series. There is nothing better than reading something unique and enjoyable and finding out it is just one component of a larger collection. Giving your audience a logically connected grouping of articles to work through demonstrates your expertise and thoroughness and keeps them focused on your content and products rather than the competition.

Clearly, there are many different ways to devise an effective and influential ICO bounty program to engage potential investors. However, while many techniques are short-term fixes that accomplish a single goal, continuing to produce informative, compelling content is the key to generating long-term exposure and boosting your reputation in the industry.



Darcy Cudmore

A lover of new things, online and offline! Constantly learning & discovering new things through his work. A former Journalist turned Marketer.