How to run asynchronous web requests in parallel with Python 3.5 (without aiohttp)

Tyler Burdsall
4 min readOct 31, 2018


Recently at my workplace our IT team finally upgraded our distributed Python versions to 3.5.0. While this is a huge upgrade from 2.6, this still came with some growing pains. Unfortunately, Python 3.5.0 doesn’t meet some of the minimum requirements of some popular libraries, including aiohttp.

With these restrictions I still needed to write a script that could pull hundreds of .csv files from our APIs and manipulate the data. Python by itself isn’t event-driven and natively asynchronous (like NodeJS), but the same effect can still be achieved. This article will help detail what I learned while also showing the benefits of asynchronous operations.

Disclaimer: If you have a higher version of Python available (3.5.2+), I highly recommend using aiohttp instead. It’s an incredibly robust library and a great solution for this kind of problem. There are many tutorials online detailing how best to use the library.


This article makes the following assumptions:

  • You already have familiarity with Python and most of its syntax
  • You already have familiarity with basic web requests
  • You have a lose concept of asynchronous operations

If you’re just looking for the solution, scroll down to the bottom and the full code is posted. Enjoy!


Before getting started, ensure that you have requests installed on your machine. The easiest way to install is by typing the following command into your terminal:

Alternatively, if you don’t have administrative permissions you can install the library with this command:

The wrong approach: synchronous requests

To demonstrate the benefits of our parallel approach, let’s first look at approaching the problem in a synchronous manner. I’ll also give an overview of what’s going on in the code. Ultimately, we want to do able to perform a GET request to the URL containing the .csv file and measure the time it takes to read the text inside.

We’ll be downloading multiple .csv files of varying sizes from, which provides plenty of data for our example.

As a disclaimer, we’ll be using the Session object from the requests library to perform our GET request.

First, we’ll need a function that executes the web request:

This function takes in a Session object and the name of the .csv file desired, performs the web request, then returns the text inside the response.

Next, we need a function that can efficiently loop a list of our desired files and measure the time it takes to perform the request:

This function creates our Session object and then loops through each .csv file in the csvs_to_fetch list. Once the fetch operation is completed, the measured time is calculated and displayed in an easy-to-read format.

Finally, our main function will be simple (for now) and call our function:

Once we put it all together, here is what the code looks like for our synchronous example:

Let’s take a look at the results when we run this script:

Synchronous example. Notice how each operation doesn’t start until the last one is completed

Thankfully, we can vastly improve this performance with Python 3’s built-in asyncio library!

The right approach: performing multiple requests at once asynchronously

In order to get this to work, we’ll have to rework some of our existing functions. Beginning with fetch:

Next, we need to make our get_data function asynchronous:

This code will now create multiple threads for each .csv file and execute the fetch function for each that needs to be downloaded.

Finally, our main function needs a small tweak to properly initialize our async function:

Now, let’s run the new code and see the results:

Asynchronous example. Notice how the files are not being obtained in order.

With this small change, all 12 of these .csv files were able to be downloaded in 3.43s vs 10.84s. That is a nearly 70% decrease in the time it took to download!

The Asynchronous Code

I hope you enjoyed this article and can use these skills for any projects that require an older Python version (or maybe without as many dependencies). Although Python may not have a straightforward to an async / await pattern, it isn’t difficult at all to achieve fantastic results.




Tyler Burdsall

A software developer in Portland with too many opinions