How VB. NET was resurrected and why it’s more important than you think.

Written by Witold Nejman, Intelligent Automation Consultant

Witold P. Nejman
Published in
6 min readFeb 26, 2019


Let’s start with my inspiration to write this article. During one of the automation projects for my client, I was asked if we can automate some smaller processes without using RPA as all robots were working full capacity at this point. My answer was short. I can make an app using VBA or VB.NET. The letter immediately made one of the managers with a strong technical background laugh.

“VB.NET? Is this language even still in use, or are you planning to become a necromancer* ?”

Necromancer* — a popular term for developers maintaining old software written in languages like COBOL

It’s not surprising as VB popularity in 2011 was 0.259% according to the TIOBE Index. To give you some comparison C#, another language created by Microsoft used to develop .NET apps was over 8.2%. At this time “VB.NET Developer” was used as a joke, as due to easy to read (for non-IT people) syntax (more about it later) give birth to a wave of beginners with… questionable programming skills.

But then something unexpected happened. Since 2012 we could observe a steady rise in popularity to the point wherein 2018 it surpassed C# scoring 7.12% (C# 3.45%).

