I BELIEVE THAT SMALL ACTIONS DO MATTER AND CAN GO A LONG WAY TO CAUSE A CHANGE my three weeks Journey in the Apprenticeship Program

Gloria Dogbey
6 min readJan 22, 2016


I remember this photo shoot like it was yesterday; the day I came to the Hub for the Apprenticeship Interview. I looked gorgeous; yes, but deep down, my nerves were running high. The interview went well, I guess, I wouldn’t have being part of the program if I did not nail it.

My first picture taken at the interview

Then I got a congratulations mail that required I report at the Hub on Monday 30th November. Yeaaaah!! I came with high expectations and they were all met, just to say the least.

I met the other apprentices for the first time, we met Papa Osei our coordinator, who gave us a breakdown of the program and what to expect. We had lunch with the whole team afterwards and proceeded to the days agenda. (I loved the lunch part).

Find me with my leg crossed.
I need to stop crossing my legs.

The first day, we did an interesting exercise that gave me a road map of my life and my next step. It was an exercise that required we write down our 5 and 10 years plan. I knew where I wanted to see myself in the next 5 and 10 years but writing them made it very real and helped me restructure my choices and decisions. The exercise also falls in line with the Chimamand’s video we watched on a talk she had at a TEDx event, where she spoke on storytelling and how to tell our story not leaving out any part of it because there can be dangers with telling just a single part of a story.

After we had our first professional picture with the team at the hub.

Next day was a social media session with Emmanuel Gamor, where he educated us on social media, its uses, its benefits and how it can affect us if not used properly.

And oh unfortunately, that same day, my laptop fell. Well, I tried to be a super woman but rather made it worse.

There is a first time for everything
I am my own superwoman

Then to day three, where Victor took us through how he manages social media pages of the hub, how he sends newsletters and how he checks on posts and newsletters to know who read and which posts were reached more. We ended the day with a poetry recital and acting out the emotions in the poetry.

Day four started with lunch (always my favorite part), where my team and I came up with social media plan and assigning social media management roles to each other as well as coming up with accountability measures.

I looove FOOD

After group brain storming, I stood in and did the presentation for my team. Which I nailed! Go me!! (My confidence level was rising)

Week two started off with a Video by Steve Jobs where he spoke about his life, his failures, betrayals and successes. From which I learnt that I have to fnd what I love and persue it and no one will believe in my dreams until I make it.

I knew about the palm hotel in Dubai but had no idea on how they manged to put it up. Emmanuel showed us a video on it and how the project managers managed and collaborated with each other and the prince to bring it up.

Afia Owusu-Dufie, a senior programmer at Mathematica spoke to us on her journey as a programmer and her new project in Ghana “Women Who Code Accra”. Which I have signed up for and excited about.

“One of the ways to be successful is to be yourself” — Afia Owusu-Dufie.

Then came the day for shadowing assignment with Kawa Moka; our first challenge. I was assigned to one of its waitress. Whom I interviewed and came up with a four separate documents for my final report.

The reward for the winner was a week treat from Kawa Moka with their smoothys, coffee, waffles and sandwiches.

And I won the challenge!!! Go me!!! I won because I had extra document attached to the three documents we were asked to deliver, my writing skills was good, and i delivered on time. (Week two was my best week of the apprenticeship program)

Victor worked with us on writing and sending news letters. He then assigned us to write a news letter about the Hubs last huddle and their Christmas party. Well he still hasn’t given us feedback yet on how we did. #lol

Ever bubbly Victor

On day three of the 3rd week, we had a photo journalism and content creation with team1000words. Where I learnt how to hold a camera the write way and take professional pictures.

We were eager to know it all about picture taking.
I looked very pretty in this picture

After the session we had a photo shoot with the team and voila!! The winning picture.

The apprentice and team10oowords

Week three ended. We are going on a break. Hurrrrray!!!!

Week four and five will be posted in a separate story after the apprenticeship program ends.

I leave you with my favorite quote: “You can build a future out of anything; scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time. You can build an airy city of runes” -Lauren Oliver

Thanks for reading.


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