Photo Credits: Zdenko Zivkovic

Ignore The Risks & Focus On The Rewards

Cory Kennedy-Darby
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2015


Recently I’ve been conversing with various upcoming entrepreneurs and founders on a platform called, Blab. Most of the conversations I bring up what I call, understanding risk vs. reward; aka how I don’t give a f*ck and just do it.

At some point in the conversation, an individual will make a comment along the lines of,

“I can’t just cold call them.”

“I don’t have the reputation to ask for an intro.”

etc. etc.

Bullshit. These are just excuses that they’re using as a defensive mechanism to avoid potential failure. I look at these situations in terms of what is the risk and what is the reward. The majority of the cases the risk of just attempting it is that person ignores us and doesn’t read the email, etc. The reward, on the other hand, is huge if they don’t just ignore us.

The mentality of these individuals change when I ask them, “Can you deal with hearing ‘piss off and don’t contact me again’ for a world changing opportunity?”. The answer I get from them on the question is, yes.

Having this sort of mentality means you don’t care if you get rejected 10, 100, 1000 times before someone finally says yes but one yes is better than none.

Advice to live by,
“1 > 0” — Gary Vaynerchuk

For The Doubters

A while back ago I cold email Mark Cuban for a startup I was doing. Now, most people would argue the excuses.

“He’s too busy to respond.”

“You’re not relevant enough.”

“Why would he ever reply?”

TL;DR I got a reply back from him. This example isn’t an encouragement to spam Mark Cuban rather it is an example of the possibilities that this sort of mentality can provide.

Stop bullshitting. Stop making excuses. Start executing.

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