Introducing Boreal: our HackerNews client from users to users

A common process rethinking work

Boreal for iPhone
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2015


Let us introduce a bit. We are two high school entrpreneurs, both design lovers and also Hacker News users. I have been using Hacker News for a year and as you may know, Hacker News isn’t very mobile friendly and that is the reason why Nestor (the designer) and me (Juan, the developer) get together to build a product that changes this, and give to Hacker News users the opportunity to fill a full reading and interaction experience with the platform and their users.


There’s a Jonathan Coulton song that I like called “You Ruined Everything”. It’s a tongue-in-cheek lament about how routine can be disrupted by something “in the nicest way”.

That was our a intention with Boreal. Enjoy a bunch of great features we wanted to use every day with Hacker News.

Hacker News is one of the biggest places to share, read and discuss about tech. The only problem with Hacker News is that it is not mobile friendly. This is the reason why we created a Hacker News client with a ton of features that just Boreal can give you.

You may be asking your self, what is the difference between Boreal and other clients?

Well, that’s what we love about Boreal and why we want to share it with you. Boreal is completly different. From the design to the experience. When we compare Boreal with other clients, we found that you can do more than just reading stories, you can also comment, upvote and even publish your own posts! In the feed you can filter the posts by upvotes and comment, so you find just the most interesting ones.

I am someone who loves sharing content on twitter, thats the reason why we also added an option to share text as an image just by selecting the text you want to share, we called this feature “TweetShot”. Yay!

TweetShot example :)

Every time you read a story it is saved to the “Viewed” section. Never lose a good article.

You can also open news in two different modes: our in-app browser or in a custom view which is full of advantages.

We are sure that Boreal will change the way people interact with Hacker News giving our users the best personalised experience.

Explore other user profiles, the news they have posted, and all their information such as karma, bio, etc…

Even more

The most exciting thing about our app is that this is just the first version and in the next one we can tell you that we are including some big features. For instance, you would be able to suscribe to a user and you will be notified whenever they publish a new story.

So, what do you have to lose by trying it? Go ahead and download Boreal by clicking here!

Have fun and please tell us how we can make Boreal hit the mark for you so if you have any feedback please let us know in @GetBoreal or in

Enjoy! -The Boreal team

Hacker Noon is how hackers start their afternoons. We’re a part of the @AMI family. We are now accepting submissions and happy to discuss advertising & sponsorship opportunities.

If you enjoyed this story, we recommend reading our latest tech stories and trending tech stories. Until next time, don’t take the realities of the world for granted!



Boreal for iPhone

Reading focused, keep your mind on discovering. By @jchomali and @nrpalao