Introducing The Crypto University

Rohith Salim
4 min readDec 26, 2017


I am excited to announce the launch of The Crypto University [] — an online school to learn about all things crypto & blockchain.

My buddy Ryan (Ryan Chadha) and I have been looking closely at the crypto space (and no —not just Bitcoin) for quite some time now and we are fascinated by the potential some of these cryptos have to solving the inefficiencies that exist in industries such as accounting, real estate and finance.

What is equally fascinating (and slightly frightening) is the sheer number of people putting money into the crypto space without completely understanding what exactly they are putting money into.

What exactly is Bitcoin? Why is it so expensive to buy?

What exactly is a wallet private key? What would happen if I lose it?

What are these new coins like Ripple, Stellar Lumens that I keep hearing about?

How is the value for these cryptocurrencies determined?

What kind of revenues are these cryptos generating?

These are just some of the questions that people keep asking us on a fairly regular basis.

Ryan and I decided to start the Crypto University because we wanted to help people truly understand the underlying technology & value behind these ‘coins’ in the crypto-space.

Who are we?

Ryan Chadha is a good friend of mine who gave up the life of a commodity trader in London to start a school in Bangalore that aims to inculcate curiosity, confidence and perseverance in children. He is a sponge when it comes to absorbing information and is incredible at taking a risk-adjusted view of his investments.

I (Rohith Salim) am an engineer at heart and have been working at various companies like Microsoft, Yelp, Rent The Runway, Oyster & Cuemath both as a Software Engineer & Product Engineer. I have had an interest in cryptography since I took information security classes at Carnegie Mellon University and am fascinated by applications that are being built on top of the blockchain.

There are a lot of ‘scams’ out there in the crypto-world. However, Ryan and I truly believe that there is work being done to solve some of the big problems that plague the world today — take Dash for example that formed a partnership with KuvaCash to tackle the inflation problem in Zimbabwe.

A lot of the developed economies may be unaware of these issues but in places like India, proving your identity to even get something as simple as a bank account is a huge issue.

We don’t believe that Blockchain technology is the magic bullet to solving every single problem out there but it can be leveraged to solve a lot of inefficiencies in the system.

More about the school

Both Ryan and I want to ensure that this school offers a lot of value irrespective of your experience in the crypto-world. These are some of the courses that we have recently created:

  1. Bitcoin Simplified [Free]
    This is a course that we built to explain Bitcoin & Blockchain in the simplest way possible. In-fact these are the same set of lectures that I used to teach my 13 year old niece about this ecosystem.
  2. Monuments in Bitcoin History [Free]
    This is a historical analysis of Bitcoin — starting from the credit crunch in 2008, all the way to the recent introduction of Bitcoin Futures on December 10th, 2017.
    Bitcoin has had a bumpy ride, and a lot has happened since the first transaction took place in 2009. After this course, you will have a good idea of what to watch out for when investing in different crypto currencies and, also give meaning to events as they pertain to this market.
  3. The Crypto Masterclass [Pre-launch Offers Available]
    This is for people who want to take a deep dive into blockchain and cryptocurrency — starting from the very basics and building up to a level where you will be able to understand a lot of nuanced aspects, and navigate the complexity of the space with confidence.
    We are offering amazing launch offers for this course (as much as 90% off) for a limited time via our Indiegogo campaign.

This is truly just the beginning. Ryan has a some really interesting courses related to investing that he wants to teach all of you and I will be teaching you the basics of building applications on platforms like Ethereum.

Both Ryan and I would really like to thank everyone who have been supporting us while we built the Crypto University. From offering constructive feedback to giving us warm intros to people in the crypto-space, we really appreciate all the help.

We hope you check out our school ( and share it with any of your friends of family members who might be interested in learning more about this space.



Rohith Salim

Basketball fan, startup enthusiast and CMU Alum. Product Manager @Oyster. Formerly @renttherunway, @yelp, @microsoft.