It’s Time to Take Back Control

Mind Drippings Media
2 min readJan 22, 2016


It’s time to take back control, true control of our lives.

We all know how we want to live, but we don’t always know how to get there.

You can’t measure a successful life by a series of Good Decisions.

But rather it’s just a series of decisions connecting the dots from good to good, good to bad, bad to bad, and so on.

This is how we become, how we are shaped, how we are molded.

These decisions are the algorithms of our lives.

Our human software isn’t always perfect, but rather it is beyond perfect.

There is only one you, one me, to ever live on this planet, ever.

There will never be another you or me after we’re gone.

A unique set of circuitry which has never existed before nor will exist ever again.

Just think about that. Just let that simmer a little in your mind. You are Extraordinary.

So, what are we going to do to make 2016 one of our greatest years?

How are we going to create splash in the echoing chambers of time and immortalize our extraordinary unique selves?

Here’s an idea, this week take some time to chart out a plan for 2016. A real plan.

It’s time to take back control. It’s time to end the madness.

Now don’t use a computer to do this. Because the magic happens when you pen your thoughts with an actual pen. The level of intimacy with the pages connects your thoughts beyond what you could imagine.

Do this exercise alone and take as long as you need because this document is going to define your future.

Your legacy begins with a blank sheet of paper.

Go for a long walk and ponder about life and what it means to you, not to others, but to you.

Think about what excites you. What makes you smile, laugh and have fun.

Walk as long as you need to clear your mind of clutter and get answers.

Remember, do this for you, then for others.

Why? I learned in my life that when I’m unhappy and sad, everyone close to me also becomes unhappy and sad.

We are social creatures. We resonate how we feel and how we’re doing.

And we’re infectious and who do we infect? The one’s closest to us.

We need to infect them with our excitement, our drive, our accomplishments, discoveries, creations; our happiness, our moments of bliss.

Commit some time this week to make the pages of your future drip with possibilities. And remember, You are Extraordinary.

