Most Promising Use Cases of Blockchain Technologies

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3 min readMay 15, 2019


As Blockchain technologies continue to see massive development efforts, investment and interest, Hacker Noon presents to you some top stories about Blockchain use cases.

Hey, Utsav Jaiswal here, Hacker Noon’s new (-ish) blockchain editor. The tech world continues to debate what exactly deserves to be a suitable use-case for Blockchain technologies and what is a force-fit. We let our readers take that decision by checking out which use-cases received the most claps from you, our 200k+ daily readers. Let us know which ones among these has the most solid chances of breaking out in 2019.

Tokenized Digital AttentionCapitalizing on the Digital Attention Economy: The Brave Browser [6 min read] by Michaias Grigori shows us a viable solution to our problems with online advertising that becomes too obtrusive.

Engaging Gaming Experience — Building blockchain games with confidentiality [4 min read] by The Oasis Team explains how Blockchain and cryptocurrency based dApps can go beyond gambling and be used to enable easier trading of in-game collectibles.

Addressing Addiction Disorders How the Blockchain Could Help Those Struggling With Addiction [4 min read] by Muhammad Ahsan Khan delves into the applicability of Blockchain technologies to help those battling addiction disorders.

Content Management and Publication The New Blockchain Publishing Platform That Could Kill Medium and Steemit [5 min read] by Mina Down presents a Blockchain-based solution that ensures content monetization and management in a manner more transparent than Steemit.

Anonymous and Private TransactionsSurviving Crypto Winter — Part Three: Why Privacy Coins Will Rule the Next Bull Run [27 min read] by Daniel Jeffries tells us about the history of privacy coins and why they will be the breakout use case for Blockchain technologies.

Real-World Asset TokenizationDigital Assets To Take Over the World — Blockchain and Crypto To Stir The Fourth Industrial Revolution [5 min read] by Romi Kumar talks about the one use case that led to the development an entire branch of token offerings — STOs.

Banking Clearance and SettlementsIBM World Wire: Worth the Hype OR Simply PayPal on Blockchain? [5 min read] by Utsav Jaiswal talks about the undeniable interest of big banking institutions in Blockchain technologies.

That covers the top seven use cases of Blockchain technologies in 2019. The advent of IEOs is expected to breathe life back into utility tokens which, despite everything, have presented the most number of solutions for existing problems by leveraging Blockchain technologies.

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