Music for Work
3 min readJan 25, 2016
sociWe met Tim from Jodel, a fresh location-based social network!

find the full Jodel Playlist here!

Music for Work x Tim — COO @ Jodel

Hey Tim, thanks for having me! I heard you guys are really busy with the app! Do you guys listen to a lot of music here?

THE legendary Bondi Maddogs playlist, fueling Tim’s creativity since 1960.

“We do! It helps us to stay focused and not to pay attention to the noise around us! Music is amazing if you want to keep your attention on something. When you can’t remember what the last track was, you did a good job! It means you’re completely focused.”

So, what do you listen to then?

“My best friend and I have been putting playlists together on Spotify. Basically, I have 2 main playlists that I listen to while I work.”

The first one is called Bondi Maddogs. It’s the one I play when I want to work in a chill atmosphere. When I want to lay back, be creative, or just run through my daily tasks.

There’s only one rule for a song to be there: It has to be made before I was born [1991].
So you will find some good old classics, like Dire Straits, Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, The Stones.

The other playlist is called “Drop the Funk” and is just a list of good funk songs from the 60s and 70s. This one is mainly when I need to focus and have this “get the work done” kind of mood.

I wish more people listened to old tracks like this. I’m not a big fan of Hip-Hop…”

You were telling me earlier that you are literally obsessed with this track by “Laid Back“. Can you tell me more?

“Bakerman! By Laid Back! “Bakerman is baking bread” are the only lyrics to the song. I started listening to it on a trip to Lebanon, and now I’m hooked. I think I’ve listened to it more than a 1000 time in my life. It’s still my favorite song if you ask me!“

How about your “Song of shame”? Katharina at MoBerries was a big fan of “Shake it off.” Which one is it for you?

“Well, I have to admit I like this one too! It is just really motivating, I don’t know why! I mean, I only listen to music that puts me in a good mood!

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If you have good music, but need a good job, our friends at MoBerries can help you!