My Year in Review — 2018 Edition

Daniela Petruzalek


Here comes the end of another year. As the tradition goes, it is time to reflect on the year that has gone by and prepare for the year to come.

Brazilian GDEs at the Google Cloud Community Summit in Sunnyvale, CA

The year 2018 was a box full of surprises. Looking back today at how many things happened this year, it looks like I've lived 5 years in the time span of just one. No wonder I'm feeling so tired! 😅

Last year was already very impressive as you can see in my previous review and, to be honest, I didn't think that 2018 could be a better year… I was wrong, very wrong!

At the beginning of the year I had set some goals, New Year's resolutions you may say, that included stuff like giving a talk in English at an international conference, improving technically and creating a YouTube channel.

Those were supposed to help me push forward into the paths I've opened in 2017 and, while I did manage to accomplish a few of those things, it's the things that I didn't plan ahead that brought me the greatest sense of fulfillment.

Highlights of the Year

This year will be hard to choose the best moment, as many of the things that happened would easily fit the number 1 spot. I'd say that at least the top 3 are a tie.



Daniela Petruzalek

Executive Director at JPMC, Google Developer Expert: Go & GCP, TEDx speaker, blogger, traveler and cat lover =^.^=