Our 4 Favorite Blockchain and Crypto Focused Podcasts

Matt Ward
Published in
5 min readSep 3, 2018


Are you interested in blockchain, cryptocurrency and the potential of decentralization to change the world? We know we are and quite a few of our past guests believe that blockchain has the potential to be a societal shift greater than or equal to the impact of the internet.

While we do our best to get the foremost thought leaders on crypto and decentralization, it is but a subsection of our overall focus on technology, ethics and the future. But we listen to some other great crypto shows as well and wanted to recommend them to any blockchain blockheads out there looking for more great content without the cheap, salesy nature of much of the industry.

If you haven’t listened to all our blockchain focused episodes, we recommend doing so now. But without further ado, here are our favorite complementary crypto/blockchain shows designed to supercharge your knowledge and excitement in this nascent industry.

NOTE: This is a repost from Fringe.FM

Our 4 Favorite Blockchain and Crypto Focused Podcasts

1. Unchained

One of the first blockchain focused podcast I was lucky enough to come across was Unchained by . The podcast, unlike many in the space struck me thanks to the journalistic integrity of the host. Originally funded by Forbes (the company where Laura worked as a blockchain columnist), it became so successful that Laura was able to turn it into her fulltime gig.

And really it is no surprise. With a quality of guests which is unmatched in the crypto space, Laura brings her A game and investigative chops to every single episode, something we greatly respect. From leaders of top blockchain projects, hedge funds and venture capital firms to key individuals on the policy and governmental side of finance, Unchained is a quality production we at FringeFM are happy to recommend to our listeners, if you need just a bit more blockchain in your life. You can subscribe to Unchained on iTunes

2. Flippening

Hosted by , CEO of Nomics and former founder of the very successful landing page software company LeadPages, Flippening is equally impressive. I personally know and respect Clay and can say the production quality his team puts into Flippening is head and shoulders over the rest of the industry. And the fact that he runs a leading crypto investor analytics/SaaS company rarely comes through and certainly does not impede his credibility in our eyes.

Flippening’s done several in-depth series on ICOs, security tokens and continues to crank out valuable, unique content and insights from the world of cryptocurrency, especially as it relates to investors. Sound interesting? Check out Flippening on iTunes.

3. Let’s Talk Bitcoin

is one the earliest and most influential leaders in the crypto sphere. An early advocate of Bitcoin and an incredibly articulate, well thought leader on the adoption, ethics and direction of the blockchain and cryptocurrency movements, Andreas and his co-hosts on Let’s Talk Bitcoin are some of the most technically savvy, interesting individuals in the space. LTB has a network of crypto related shows, each of which holds to similar high quality standards and brings the best and brightest guests and perspectives direct to you. Check out the show and subscribe on iTunes if that is your thing, you won’t be disappointed.


Epicenter is our wild card, much more technically focused than any of the previous podcasts and a bit more idealistic as well, it is still one we as a team enjoy and listen to frequently. The hosts both talk about the latest news and development in the Bitcoin, Ethereum and cryptocurrency spaces but also have top notch technical guests on to discuss the ins-and-outs of progress and development.

Epicenter is available on iTunes and we recommend giving it a try if you are interested in blockchain, not merely from a general sense but possibly looking towards blockchain development and becoming more intimately involved in the industry.

BONUS: Of course, FringeFM

FringeFM is the podcast that explores the edges of human understanding and looks at the technologies, trends and societal norms shaping our collective future. Here the world’s top minds share their insights and predictions on the convergence, direction and ethics of exponential technologies transforming life as we know it.

Imagine longform TED Talk with similar caliber guests, but the ability to discuss a much wider range of topics and explore controversial areas in a no-holds barred, as long as it takes format. Every episode is fun, engaging and leaves you longer for more, excited about the future and interested in taking action.

You can subscribe to FringeFM on iTunes, Stitcher, Overcast, any Android app/platform, Spotify, Youtube or just on our site!

Like this? You can also check out our guides to the best health/longevity, tech and futurism and best space focused podcasts too.

Brought to you by FringeFM

At FringeFM we explore the edges of human understanding and look at the technologies, trends and societal norms shaping our collective future.

Here the world’s top minds share their passion projects and how advances in genomics, space travel, connected devices, artificial intelligence and other exponential tech is converging to create the future of tomorrow.

NOTE: This is a repost from FringeFM.

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Matt Ward

Founder @ 4WARD.earth - building the largest local-to-global ecosystem of climate & sustainability DOERs in 45+ cities to collaboratively move our world forward