Quantum Pigeonhole Effect | Quantum Computing Weekly #9

3 min readJan 10, 2019


This is a syndicated version of my weekly e-mail round-up of news about Quantum Computing. Visit the homepage to subscribe to updates and check out previous issues.

🎉Happy new year and welcome to the first issue of 2019!

These next two weeks will be a bit on the light side as I’m ramping up work with my company for the new year as well as finally going on my honeymoon — that said, I will still do my best to deliver my favorite quantum computing news and tidbits!

Looking for a particular area of quantum computing you’d like to see covered in the next issue? Ping me and let me know!

Tiny Fact of the week

Quantum pigeons (not really)

You may have heard of quantum entanglement, but have you heard of its cousin, cosmic correlation connections? Using pre-selection and post-selection, we can get a connection between two particles — in other words, measurements made in different times (like the future) can affect quantum systems in the present. Check this out to learn more about the research and get an introduction to the idea of how 3 pigeons can occupy two pigeonholes without any being shared. If you’d really like to dive deep down into the pigeon hole, then here’s the original paper.


This week I’d like to draw attention to this great video by Microsoft Research about quantum computing for (classical) computer scientists. It dips into real examples, and uses code written in Q# (based on F#) which I personally hadn’t seen before!


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Written an interesting blog post or found some interesting things to share about quantum computing? Spotted a mistake? Get in touch by email (hit reply) or ping me on twitter (@jesperht).


The man turning China into a quantum superpower — www.technologyreview.com
Jian-Wei Pan, China’s “father of quantum”, is masterminding its drive for global leadership in technologies that could change entire industries.

Intel quantum 17 qubit 1

Intel’s quest to build the world’s first true quantum computer — www.newscientist.com
James Clarke, of Intel’s quantum computing research team, tells New Scientist about his ambitions to make the first device with a million qubits

Is your brain a quantum computer?


This researcher from the University of Oslo wrote an amazing paper on the quantum mechanical use for information processing and memory.


The Unlikely Origins of the First Quantum Computer — gizmodo.com
Within days of each other back in 1998, two teams published the results of the first real-world quantum computations. But the first quantum computers weren’t computers at all. They were biochemistry equipment, relying on the same science as MRI machines.

Q system one hero

IBM at CES 2019 outlines Q System One quantum computer — www.zdnet.com
The Q System One has a modular design and parts designed to minimize interference. IBM’s plan is to start scaling quantum computational center.

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Written an interesting blog post or found some neat things to share about quantum computing? Spotted a mistake? Ping me on twitter (@jesperht) or leave a comment below.




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