Rebellion Against the Libra Empire

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2 min readAug 8, 2019


“Last month, Facebook rocked the world with its blockbuster Libra announcement. Even a year ago, the idea that an iconic United States company would launch a digital currency or that a sitting president would tweet about it seemed insane,” writes Dan Jeffries.

“Welcome to the new normal.

The Libra announcement sent politicians scrambling, hit the mainstream media like an atom bomb, and left many crypto influencers wondering if the social network giant just turned 90% of altcoins into shitcoins. What tiny crypto project with a few measly programmers and a few million bucks can stand against the combined might of not just Facebook but also the titans of the tech and payment processing world likeUber, Lyft, Paypal, Visa and Mastercard?

But there’s a new hope on the horizon. One company on the planet has the power to take on the social media monster and win:


If Libra is the Empire Strikes Back, Telegram is A New Hope

While Facebook has 1.8 billion users, Telegram raised $1.7 billion.

While Facebook has the unwashed masses who’ve never held a Bitcoin, Telegram has the entire crypto community that lives and breathes altcoins for breakfast.

While Mark Zuckerberg is the poster child for the internet as a surveillance economy, Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, is a fight-the-power renegade, with privacy woven into his DNA.”

Read Full Story: Telegram and the Cypherpunk Rebellion Against the Libra Empire and more stories about Libra and Telegram on Hacker Noon.



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