Scaling up The Crypto University

Rohith Salim
3 min readSep 12, 2018


A few months ago, we introduced The Crypto University — an online school to learn about all things Blockchain.

The last few months have been some of the most meaningful of our professional lives — students from all over the world have taken our courses and provided us with feedback on how to improve our content.

In the process, we now are much better teachers and at the same time have a lot more clarity on what it takes to create high-quality engaging courses that meet the learning objectives of our students.

We couldn’t be more excited about The Crypto University and we are eager to share some big updates!

New Courses

We have actively iterated on our course content and have just launched several new courses.

Students who enrol for our paid courses can avail of a 20% discount — simply use the coupon code TWENTY_OFF.

Note: This discount is only valid till Friday (September 14th, 2018)!

Bitcoin 101

This course is designed to help students understand the different constituents of the Bitcoin network and how they come together to produce the Bitcoin Blockchain. We cover everything from the need of public and private keys to the role that miners play in securing the network.

This course was made keeping a non-technical audience in mind so all technical concepts are explained in simple terms with the use of analogies.

You can enrol for the course here.

Ethereum 101

This course is designed to help students understand the mechanics of the Ethereum Blockchain. We will be covering some of the nuances of this platform such as the ERC20 standard, gas price, gas limit as well as the developer ecosystem that Ethereum has been able to build around itself.

Once again, this course is a perfect introduction for students who want to get a macro-level understanding of the Ethereum blockchain.

You can enrol for the course here

Blockchain Fundamentals

How do blockchains work? Where does cryptography fall into it? What makes it so secure? Why do they say blockchains are decentralized?

This course is meant for people who keep asking themselves these questions. We use a wonderful tool built by Anders Brownworth to dissect the definition of a Blockchain. By the end of the course, students will understand most of the key terms that are used when explaining this emerging technology.

This course is completely free and you can enrol here.

Expanding our instructor base

We consider ourselves students of the blockchain space.

From protocols like Dharma and Bloom attempting to make financial access easier, to new blockchains like Oasis tackling some of the scalability and privacy issues that exist with most blockchains — we are constantly inspired by the work done by teams around the world.

We aim to provide high-quality education in the blockchain space to people who seek it. That said, we realize that there are individuals out there who are better suited than us to teach specific topics. We want to provide a platform and framework to help them share their knowledge.

We take care of everything from curriculum design, course asset creation, editing, post-production and marketing — we want to make the entire course creation process seamless.

We have some world-class subject matter experts launching courses on the Crypto University so stay-tuned for that!

In addition, we are always on the lookout for individuals who want to share their specific area of expertise in the Blockchain space. You can apply to be an instructor by following this link.

Remember, don’t struggle to be a better teacher than everybody else. Simply be a better teacher that you ever thought you could be.

— Robert Meehan, American Educator

Looking Ahead

Our entire team at the Crypto University is extremely committed to providing high quality educational content on the blockchain space. We are actively on-boarding new instructors, producing new content and building out our team.

If you have any questions at all or even suggestions on what we could do better, please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally at

Stay tuned!



Rohith Salim

Basketball fan, startup enthusiast and CMU Alum. Product Manager @Oyster. Formerly @renttherunway, @yelp, @microsoft.