Secure Mobile Applications Against Cyber Security Vulnerabilities

Siddharth Garg
5 min readOct 29, 2018


We are in such an era where mobile Applications allow us to do almost everything online. According to our usability, there are many apps in the market letting us explore things from anywhere and at any time. In that case, securing applications and data against exploitation is a key responsibility of the App developer.“ These Apps provides services including banking, shopping, and even monitoring our business, home, and shop.”

Traditional cyber security strategies don’t provide the necessary protection for the mobile applications. Thus, every business should focus on security and customer-convenience while consumer app development process.

Mobile apps have software that connects to APIs and servers around the world. The purpose is to deliver data, services, and last but not the least value and ease to users. So, in that case, IT strategies are based on securing the network perimeter of the Application. Apart from that, they focus on attacks and disturbances with the integration of technologies like anti-virus and web application firewalls for protection.

Mobile App Security

When we talk about Mobile app security the app developer need to deliver critical endpoint security to mobile apps. The online user using mobile apps that provide a better user experience or streamline operations are more exposed to a range of threats.

Therefore, businesses need to protect their mobile app users from the risk associated with business productivity. As the technology keeps on upgrading simultaneously there are numerous activities brewing to expose important information related to the user.

Therefore, a question arises that how to face the security challenges and protect our mobile apps?

Factors of Cyber Security Vulnerabilities

Code Shield

Businesses have the developer for providing security to the applications with a coded shield. An App before coming to market goes through a number of internal security tests and app penetration testing. But these must-have capabilities are what traditional security layers miss completely.

We are aware that the most effective security for an app is about building security in layers. Thus, the focus is to guard the actual app code before it is deployed into an App World.

Future preparation

It is noticed that app protection solutions have been used by businesses to protect mobile apps keeping the present scenario in the mind.

Mostly, Apps protect against what was, known at the time they are deployed. Thus, those app security solutions don’t possess the ability to understand how to react to the upcoming security challenges.

Thus, App protections should be holding up layers that provide understanding of new threats in real time. The security should encounter such threats in time to stop them before they go adverse and affect users.


Customer engagement apps are valuable in terms of customer interaction which can be exploited by threats. Through reverse engineering, there is the possibility of theft of personally identifiable information (PII) and intellectual property (IP).

Thus, reverse-engineered unprotected apps and helps to understand the app’s code logic with communication keys which allow back office attacks. Hence, Apps those are the hostage of malware can capture user IDs and login credentials in wrong hands.

User Authentication:

Talking about authorization, it includes an important consideration of user privacy. Identity management, session management, and device security features are considered as an important component of mobile app security. Apps these days are coming with the enforcement of two-factor authentication to provide high user authentication.

Moreover, with multi-factor authentication user will get help to take advantage of the proven security technologies such as Auth 2.0 authorization framework.

App Data:

The data stored on a device is recoverable that can motive potential risks. Therefore, the developers must understand such kind of threat. Keeping this in mind it is a necessity to consider the proven encryption methods.

These methods help to store data on a device in the form of files, databases, and other data sources (256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard symmetric-key algorithm standards).

Examine Weaknesses:

There are chances of an increase in security attacks if the mobile apps are deployed on traditional platforms and operating systems. To avoid such outcomes, it is better to use the latest platforms.

An advanced platform will help in mitigating the security risks. These advance platforms get frequently updated to fix the security areas. The updates are integrated with the app which helps the app to add value along with advanced data protection features.

Encryption of data:

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It is a quite-essential task to restrict access of an unauthorized user to app data by creating a gateway (encryption). By doing this it will make harder for the hackers and data attackers to lay their hands on app data.

By The encryptions of information resist them to further exploit the information. These days most of the consumer app is enabled with the passwords for all the users which is the best way to secure an app. Such features of the App help the user to feel safe and overprotected.

Bottom line

Security must be one of the top priorities for developers of the app. While developing any mobile app its design and security are the essential parts from the user prospect. Thus, the security checklist at the beginning phase will help to map possible scenarios during the development and deployment of the app.

Hence, by implementing security best practices, the developer can rectify any primary performance issues for the app at the time of development. This can help mobile app developers to clear the effects of data threats and attacks timely which will undoubtedly help the organizations to tackle the cost-implications.

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Siddharth Garg

Technology evangelist, Love to write about tech that transforms the prospect of future. Hands on experience in writing blogs on AR|VR, AI|ML, DL|NLP,Mobile Apps