Shrimpy Adds Social Portfolios For Crypto
Selecting which assets should be in your crypto portfolio is complicated. With Shrimpy, we have already created the easiest platform to select assets, allocate a diverse portfolio, and manage your cryptocurrency. Today, we are announcing the integration of social portfolios into the Shrimpy application. View the most popular allocations on the platform, follow industry leaders, and develop your strategy by working with the community. Picking assets will never be the same.
Introducing Follow Allocations
Following allocations is a simple idea. Similar to the way you can follow a person’s tweets, you will finally be able to follow the allocations of your favorite crypto users. Then, with a single click, you can implement the same strategy as these leaders. This will allocate the same portfolio as the leader and follow their future actions. Selecting assets like an industry leader is being reduced to a click.
Followers will have access to a powerful portal where they can browse leaders who are using the Shrimpy platform. Followers can see the allocations and strategies implemented by these experienced users. When a leader they are following makes changes to their strategy, the followers will be able to see these changes in real time.
Shrimpy will provide leaders a platform to grow their audience, build trust, and implement successful strategies. Communicating these strategies and updates to followers will be easier than ever before.
Make Money With Shrimpy
This leader and follower dynamic provides the best of both worlds. Followers will be able to grow their portfolios as a result of making better asset selections. In return, followers will be charged a small monthly fee, which is a small price to pay for these insights.
On the other side, leaders will be able to grow their funds through their followers. Shrimpy will be paying leaders for every follower they retain. Growing your followers directly translates to more money in your pocket.
Not only will the leaders get paid, but so will referrers. A portion of the fees paid by any user which registers by a referral code will get paid out to the referrer for the first 3 months after registration.
Read more about making money with Shrimpy in the following article!
The Future of Social Portfolios
These are not the only features we have planned for our social platform. There is a sea of untapped potential in the crypto space when it comes to improving the asset selection experience. As we begin to unlock the future of social, we need your help. Let us know what aspects resonate with you. Share the changes that you would like to see which can make your experience better.
Shrimpy finally has the opportunity to make money. The more money we make, the more money we can use to make Shrimpy even better. So, be sure to invite your friends! Help us out by becoming a member of the social features and lead a group of your own.
Additional Reading
Don’t forget to check out the Shrimpy website, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates, and ask any questions to our amazing, active communities on Telegram & Discord.
The Shrimpy Team