So, You Want to Be a PM, but You Aren’t Technical. Read This.

Five concrete steps to land your first product management gig.

Stephen Cognetta
Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2018


You just found out about this amazing career called “product management.” You’ve heard that PMs wear multiple hats, develop leadership and communication skills, and of course, use silly jargon. At this point, you’re sold on the role. But… you don’t have a technical background.

Can you be a product manager?

If you’re currently working in consulting, business, finance, marketing, or really any other non-technical industry or field, it’s definitely possible to break into product management. To be a successful candidate, you’ll need to show your recruiter that you’re serious about product management, passionate about technology, and skilled in leadership and communication.

Here’s a shortlist of my recommendations on concrete steps to position yourself as a prime product management candidate.

Generally, you can apply to PM gigs with a resume, and based on a “resume screen,” the recruiter will move you on to the interview stage. This blog post helps with getting past the resume screen to the interview. (successfully interviewing is a whole different ball game).

1. Learn About Technology

