The 4 P’s of Success

Kouame N'Dri
5 min readJan 15, 2018


Over time I had learned that they were vital characteristics that I needed to have in order to become a successful software engineer. Everyone wants to preach about the technical skills and fundamental CS concepts needed in order to become a successful software engineer, but what they don’t they tell you is the type of traits that you should have.

I wish that when I had begun my web development career someone would have told me the 4 Ps of success. I remember when I first completed a front-end development course 4 years ago, I was so eager to begin to obtain clients. For two days I cold called different companies in my area and would pitch to them why they needed my services. To my surprise, many were intrigued and interested, but the main deal breaker was the companies asked about my portfolio. At the time I would tell them it was in the works or quickly hang up.

I was 14 years old making websites just for fun. I made one for my mom and her hair braiding business. I knew nothing about version control nor Github. I had the coding skills but not the business-ready skills. As I started to read more tech related articles and more about web development, I became more knowledgeable about what it took to begin a freelancing business.

The main points I want you to take away from my early mistake is be PATIENT and PREPARE.

One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life

~ Chinese Proverb


Being in tech in general, modern technology is leading us to forget to be patient and drives us to make instant decisions. We live in this microwave society where everyone is short-goal minded and strives for instant gratification.

During my short stint at a university, I have seen many CS students cramming to learn a new tech stack in order to be eligible for an internship position even though it doesn’t interest them at all. They weren’t patient enough to wait for the perfect opportunity for them.

I have a friend that I was learning a new programming language after programming, thinking that the more languages they know the more they would be qualified for a job (FALSE). I was working on multiple projects at the time and asked if he could help me out and contribute to this React web app I was working on. Come to find out, he didn’t have enough exposure to React to be able to contribute. Key Note: A 5 hours intro course does not provide you with enough to contribute right away. This is a perfect transition into the next P: Practice.


To me, being a software engineer is similar to being an athlete. The same way a basketball coach wouldn’t let a player shoot a three-pointer if he never practiced that shot, is the same way an employer not hiring you because you never had the experience.

Through practice, gently and gradually we can collect ourselves and learn how to be more fully with what we do.

~ Jack Kornfield

As a budding software engineer, the projects that you have worked on is your source of credibility. Find something that you are interested in building and go build. You love being on Medium, try to build a Medium clone. Find a project that you will want to work on and that would showcase your talent as an engineer,


A lot of people are always chasing opportunities, and then when the opportunity presents itself they are simply not prepared. Preparation is an essential P because this is one that is mostly overlooked.

Just like in my story, I was so pumped to get my career started as a web developer. Most of the opportunities I didn’t get were simply due to the fact that I didn’t do the extra work before I reached out.

When you are applying for a job, make sure that you have everything in order before you put yourself out there. For starters, make sure to polish up your resume before applying (no brainer). If you have a portfolio site make sure all of your latest projects are on the site, as well as all the code upload to Github/Bitbucket.

One thing that really made me stand out when it came to landing different opportunities was my story. I had one employer tell me that I got the job not because I was qualified, but because they loved my story and cover letter. For most jobs a cover letter is not required but, I don’t see how sending one will hurt you. It’s an opportunity for you to speak highly about your ambition and willingness to learn before they even speak with you. Know yourself, know the employer and show the fit. In addition to the skills you possess, employers want to know if you are a joy to work with.

It’s interview time! Master the technical interview process.The technical interview is implemented in order for employers to evaluate how you approach a problem and view where your head is at. Your reaction under pressure is also a key part of these interviews. Taking 30 minutes a day to prep for an interview will benefit you in the long run. Practice taking the problems step-by-step and speak out the process as you solve the problem.

4. Perseverance

The last and most important P is perseverance. Searching for a job could be the most stressful thing you will ever do in your life and I am speaking on behalf of the self-taught developer. Your confidence is shot down as rejection becomes normal.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

~ Maya Angelou

My first rejection letter came from IBM. What I did was printed it out and hung in my office space. It fuels the fire to my ambition, it helps me stayed grounded and focus. Don’t let the rejection define who you are, let it define how you approach your career after.


I hope this post was able to provide you with useful information on what it takes to become a successful developer. Not speaking from expertise but from my personal experience. If you know anyone curious about programming, please share this with them and feel free to leave your comment with your thoughts below.

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