The Art of Networking for Relationships

Jeromy Bailey
4 min readJan 25, 2016


Every now and then, I find myself in a conversation about how someone can become better at networking. They always ask what it is that I do and how I do it so well. There’s never a direct answer to this question however, the conversation usually goes through a couple common themes as we explore things that I do to promote myself and my business.

Firstly, it’s important to point out that networking is selfish and shameless. At least at the very surface. Let’s dig deeper.

Usually, I’m not networking because I want you or anyone to buy my whatever. I’m networking to ask these questions:

  • Are you a decent person?
  • Will we be a likely friendship in the future?
  • Do you seem genuine?
  • Do you do something that might benefit me or my business?
  • Is there anything that I do that could benefit you or your business?

Shortly after these questions are answered in my head, we either begin our relationship or we don’t. If we do develop a relationship, we stop referring to our social habits as networking and keep in touch for other reasons such as enjoying one another’s company.

Now, this next part is kind of a game changer. This piece of advice… well let’s just say that it will truly change your networking game from this day forward. And not only will it change your networking game, it will change how you do business. BUT I only recommend this if you are 100% and completely serious about growing your relationships and your networks.

Are you ready?

You must be generous!!!!!

You must be willing to give more than you expect to get in return.

Think about a used car salesman. No one likes that guy. There’s always an oozy, slimy feeling when he talks to you. Instantly, you see right through his disingenuous ways and start to put your defenses up. He’s in it for him. Only him.

I can’t blame him really, it’s his job but I’m not going to call him and invite him over for dinner. The table conversation would ruin my appetite.

And on the flip side, while we talk about food, think about the guy at the mall who hands out free samples in the food court. There’s high odds you’ve gone up to him and taken his teriyaki chicken or whatever and maybe that was the factor that lead you to your final lunch decision. Whether or not you bought what he was giving out, you aren’t shaming the guy for doing his job. There might even be a little bit of excitement as you see him standing there, waiting for your arrival. If he’s doing his job well, he’s smiling and politely conversational.

Major point — just because he gave you free food, DOES NOT mean that you are obligated to spend your money with his business. It just means that you are now better informed to make a decision about lunch.

And those are only a couple examples of networking to scratch the surface. Most people seem to forget the relationship part. A relationship is invaluable.

Think about your friends. Let’s limit “friends” to those not obligated to know you because of blood. Maybe it’s someone you grew up with or someone you met through school…whatever. But definitely someone who would undoubtedly support you through anything you did. Think about all of the time you spent developing that relationship. All the conversations, hang outs, dinners, texts, everything. Now think about not having them.

Powerful stuff right?

What if you could have more people in your life like this? I mean, realistically, that might be too much to handle but you get my point.

When you network, you are looking for this to some extent. Be it business or personal, we all need friends. We need people to impact our lives. Maybe just to lean on through tough times or maybe someone interested in our product. Either way, we need friends.

I want to leave this article open and consider it a discussion piece so please feel free to add your thoughts this when you share it. Don’t forget to tag me! I want to know what you guys are saying!

#DrumChat — Networking and Relationships

I’d like to invite you to our first #DrumChat for 2016. With the NAMM show happening this week, I felt that this is a perfect time to cover this topic. We will be gathering on my Twitter, @JeromyABailey, Friday, January 29 at 1 PM CST.

Jeromy A. Bailey

Find me on Snapchat!! @JeromyABailey



Jeromy Bailey

Drums for hire. Drums for art. Drums for life! . Proud Vic Firth Education Team Member. Marketing consultant. Social Media Integration