The Best Leaders Have This In Common…

Jeff Chavez
2 min readApr 17, 2018


Have you ever had someone slow down and take the time to walk you through something you didn’t fully understand? Especially when the moment is stressful and important?

Maybe it was a teammate or a tutor. Maybe it was your mom or a friend. Whoever it was and whatever it was about…you felt some relief and your confidence in that thing was given a boost.

In that moment you were a student being led by a teacher. Is there anything in this world more powerful than that basic human interaction? Think about it. The passage of wisdom from one to another is invaluable, putting it lightly.

Roshan Thiran shared his observation of the former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo, Roger Enrico, “He instituted a program called Executive Leadership: Building the Business, which was a five-day off-site program led by Enrico himself.”

“Enrico would spend five days fully engaged teaching nine employees. This was followed by a 90-day follow-up where participants would apply what they learned while getting coaching from Enrico. The program ended at the end of the 90 days with a three-day session where everyone shared their insights.”

Imagine the personal and collective impact of that interaction. The CEO of one of largest companies in the world personally teaching and mentoring team members. In the midst of a myriad of demands at the head of such a demanding brand, this leader understood the depth and breadth of this use of time.

There is no doubt, the most effective leaders are great teachers who don’t neglect that opportunity.

So, don’t neglect that opportunity!

Pay attention to when it’s time to slow down, listen carefully, and then lead others as a teacher; because in that very moment you and only you have the opportunity to lead and serve in a profound way.

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Jeff Chavez

Founding Partner of Authentic. a Corporate Education Firm + Husband, Dad, Reader, Surfer. Learn more at