

Sign before investing.
Published in
6 min readNov 2, 2018


(A) Parties.

These amended and related relationship laws are made and entered into on the date of ____________ by ____________ and ____________. The relationship’s purpose shall be to develop and maintain and promote the growth of both parties involved. To create the space that supports and champions each other’s stories. This agreement may become null and void only after an in-person meeting consisting of verbal communication with eye contact. Hands must be shown. Both parties must be seated.

(B) Intentions.

The intentions of both parties entering this agreement and relationship are as follows: To love fully without manipulation or control. “Fully” shall be defined as loving with honesty and integrity, in good faith pulling from one’s heart and seeking the best life for the other party. To love not hate. Both agree to execute love with the best of their ability, with the intention to build something real and lasting.

“Real and lasting” shall be defined as an honest love with healthy intentions until the love is no longer honest or healthy, after both parties can say they have done everything in their power to keep the love honest and healthy.

(C) Intimacy.



The Angry Therapist

Author of “I Used To Be A Miserable F*CK” and “Single. on Purpose.” IG: theangrytherapist