The Top Three Ways Technology Improves Healthcare

Samantha Hager
6 min readJul 3, 2017


The healthcare industry is certainly not new to modern technology. In fact, in many ways, the healthcare industry happens to be one of the most technologically advanced industries in the world.

Although there are numerous ways that technology is utilized in medicine and patient care, three particular advancements being made currently could not only help get things done faster and more efficiently, but could actually lead to the saving of countless lives in the process as well. Therefore, by looking at the advancements in medical travel, preventative care methods, and virtual connection to healthcare providers, we can easily see just how far we’ve come and how much farther we have yet to go.

Medical Travel

The medical travel industry may merely seem like a small portion of the healthcare world and only used by patients with severe diseases that have no other choice. However, this is not the case any longer, as many medical travel patients find it less expensive to have any surgery overseas than it is to pay for these surgeries here in the states. Furthermore, many of these medical travel opportunities are discounted, and treat patients as guests as they travel to their surgery destinations. In turn, patients suffering from various diseases can travel in a more efficient way, save money in the process, and know that their travel expenses will be reflected in the comfort they receive during their flight.

With this said, by recognizing the benefits of medical tourism, you can not only save money on potentially crucial surgeries and health methods, but also remove the discomfort of traveling via a traditional plane method. Furthermore, as technology advances and traditional methods become cheaper, any major emergency becomes an opportunity for medical travel.

In fact, dental emergency travel is one vital way that this modern technology is saving lives. Countless individuals deal with major infections stemming from tooth decay every year and many of them find themselves dealing with life threatening effects because of it. By having the ability to travel in case of an emergency, this allows patients to be able to be cared for no matter what setbacks they may face. In turn, medical travel may be the answer to rural healthcare which continues to be a major concern in our modern society. Therefore, medical travel remains one of the most significant advancements in healthcare technology and could lead to easily accessible care for millions across the world.

Preventative Care Methods

Another major advancement currently being made in the healthcare industry comes in the form of preventative care and how much more effective it is quickly becoming and how it is reducing liability costs likewise for countless healthcare professionals. By looking at particular health patterns, regional illnesses, family histories, and using data analytics to discover trends and patterns, we can determine potential health risks with a high level of certainty. In turn, utilizing analytics could very well be the answer to discovering cancer, Alzheimer’s, ALS, and many other diseases before they ever show signs or symptoms. By doing this, we can take preventative care even one step further and actually prevent disease and severe illness before it strikes.

. For instance, personal injury is the result of a negligent or intentional act of another person and, in many cases, not promoting preventative care can be loosely considered personal injury due to the fact that paying attention to a patient’s health is crucial when it comes to their future and life expectancy.

Virtual Connection to Healthcare Providers

Lastly, one of the most important advancements comes in the form of patient-provider interaction. For many individuals across the nation — especially in rural regions — it can be difficult to reach a healthcare provider every time you are ill, and, although medical travel is a viable alternative, it can often be considered unnecessary, depending on the symptoms you are currently facing.

Therefore, for sudden emergencies that can’t be resolved through medical travel, utilizing modern forms of technology can allow you to speak directly with your doctor, show them visible symptoms, and find out their opinion on what you should do rather than meeting with your doctor in person for every simple concern or question you may have.

Although there are particular laws that currently limit this virtual healthcare entirely, the role of a public administrator in the healthcare industry is to recognize when new laws must be created and old laws must be removed. In turn, the likelihood of this virtual healthcare becoming common in the future is high, and the positive effects are tremendous.

For instance, this will provide healthcare to individuals otherwise neglected both in America as well as the world. Furthermore, it may soon become possible to create healthcare kiosks across the globe that provide healthcare via a simple screen, medication repository, and on-call doctors. This will allow medical help to be easily accessible in countries that are medically deprived ultimately saving countless lives in the process.

Currently, this technology can be seen through systems such as Skype or recording videos in Gmail using plugins which allows you to quickly and efficiently discuss particular concerns with your doctor without being forced to pay costly doctor’s visit bills or waste your doctor’s time with menial issues that seem serious to you but truthfully are not. Through this, you can save money as an individual, and your doctor can save time and energy which would have previously been wasted on concerns that simply aren’t that important.

In the end, technology is the foundation with which our world will very soon be heavily based upon, and major advancements will not only lead to the strengthening of national and global health but also will help the healthcare industry save lives in the most effective ways possible. After all, it has often been said, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”; so why not an Apple product?

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