Top posts on Stackoverflow

3 min readJun 17, 2017


After reading blog post One Million Developers Exit Vim, I decided to analyze StackOverflow posts.
Instead of download of whole data from StackOverflow, now we can query online on data with Stack Exchange data explorer. Stack exchange data explorer is a great tool to extract data from every site of exchange network including Those who worked on SQL can easily get data.

I basically searched top 10 results from individual categories from StackOverflow site. As medium not provide table layout ,embedded airtable frame with post URL column.Also attached link of with each section name. You can fork query , sort on data or apply same query on different sites like Server Fault, Super User etc.

Most Viewed Questions

These are the questions that are searched most frequently; mostly from search engines and redirected to StackOverflow. Many of these questions are quite basic. But due to being beginners, developers get stuck. The “Helping a Million Developers Exit Vim” question is not even in the top 100.

Most upvoted questions

These are questions that either helpful or faced most. Mostly developer found a similar problem on StackOverflow, they upvoted the questions.

Most downvoted questions

These are the most downvoted questions; either due to incomplete or improper details. Most of the questions from this category have been closed by the community.

Most duplicated questions

Rusty developers who have asked a question without checking the site. That gets you the most duplicate questions.

Most edited questions

These are the questions that are edited the most: grammatical mistakes, improper examples, or just to elaborate the question to make it easier for others to answer.

Questions with most answers

Questions that have been blessed most by the developers. They have tried various solutions for the same question and that’s power of community.

Most upvoted answers

Answers those helpful to most. Mostly people upvoted answer when it solves their problem.

Most scored comments

Comments on which the users highly agreed. Some answers are posted as comments; while others are simply sarcasm or jokes.

Most lengthy answers

Answers where users have tried to explain in the best possible way, at length. So that the one can understand properly.

Shortest accepted answers

Answers with minimal word count. Most answers are like Yes, No, Correct etc. but are accepted; without any care for explanation.

Most controversial posts

Posts with more than half the amount of downvotes as they have upvotes (ordered by upvote count). Many users are not happy with post; whereas most found it helpful.

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