Unity and Unreal: 3d Game Engine for your mobile game

Siddharth Garg
4 min readJan 29, 2019


Unity vs Unreal is considered to be a high-tech debated topic in the industry. When it comes to choosing one out of both as both tools are suitable for professional, commercial game development.

With ease of use and power, these are fully integrated development environments that let you write as much code as you need. These two platform offers users with the complete control over the look and performance of game being developed. Apart from that both support a wide range of operating systems, making them ideal for cross-platform development.

Unreal Engine is developed by Epic Games whereas Unity is developed by Unity Technologies SF.

For smaller game developers Unity and Unreal Engine for good reason are considered as the utmost pillar in industry. They both include a huge number of free, ready-made assets to use with a lot of built-in physics and scripts. But which one is better?

Factors to decide which one is better unity or unreal

source: XiaomiToday

Before we start discussing it’s important to decide what kind of game are you trying to build. It depends on the need if you are trying to build 3D, 2D or high-quality graphics. Most of the business look for a high requirement for revenue generation. It totally depends on your plan or interest that will help you to choose your gaming engine. Here are some major factors you should go through before choosing the right game engine.


When we talk about performance, Unreal 4 has better performance over Unity 3D. The features of the Unreal are more impressive comparatively, such as the lighting effects in games. Apart from that, the games run faster in Unreal 4. Unreal uses C++, whereas Unity uses C#. C++ have a “lower level” programming language and this is the reason programmers have more control over memory management. At last talking about the visual effects and graphical features, Unreal is ahead of Unity.


Unity designates the word flexibility properly. If you want to build a good impact on the users, then Unity is the best choice. Whereas, Unreal has an enormous advantage as it is open source. That means developers having coding knowledge can take advantage of it. Unreal is limitless when it comes to flexibility.

Hence, on putting serious time and effort both platforms support a huge number of game consoles and operating systems. And when VR development is there Unity seems to be slightly ahead of Unreal.


source: Business of Apps

It is known that the more platform developers are directly proportional to more customer base. Here is the number of platforms Unreal and Unity offers to the developers.

Unity 3D: Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, Web Player, WebGL, VR (including Hololens), SteamOS, PS4, PlayStation Vita, and Wii U, iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Tizen, Android TV, and Samsung SMART TV, Xbox One and 360.

Unreal Engine: HTML5, Xbox One, PS4, iOS, Android, VR, Linux, Windows PC, Mac OS X, and SteamOS.


source: Lynda.com

When talking about the graphics, from complex particle simulations systems to advanced dynamic lighting Unreal Engine has is considered in the first position. The reason is that Unreal Engine 4 has the capabilities to really create any kind of visual style (2D or 3D).

On using Unreal developer is able to have the option to push the graphics further according to the use of the developer. With coming time Unity 3D version 5, it is expected to cover the areas that it is lacking.

Bottom line

As both engines are similar in many ways. Both are amazing game creation tools in the industry. Unity will be the better choice in some cases whereas Unreal can be the best choice in other cases. Hence, according to the factors we discussed users can easily decide which one to choose. Apart from that you can download them both, try out, and then decide which one is better. Therefore, developers can probably make the decision relatively easily after getting the full information.

Thank you for reading my article.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email or visit www.quytech.com. You can also contact me via Linkedin. You can also follow me on Twitter.

Originally published at www.whatech.com.



Siddharth Garg

Technology evangelist, Love to write about tech that transforms the prospect of future. Hands on experience in writing blogs on AR|VR, AI|ML, DL|NLP,Mobile Apps