We kept pushing for a higher life expectancy, what next?

Varun Satyam
5 min readMay 16, 2018


Humans have been on the quest to defy the natural cycle of life and death since time immemorial. We may not have succeeded in disregarding death as of yet, but we surely are now capable of slowing down its pace. Science, technology, and medicine have come together to longevitate the lives considered to be most significant lifeforms to inhabit Planet Earth.

“The quest to live forever, or to live for great expanses of time, has always been part of the human spirit.” — Paul Root Wolpe, American Sociologist

The life expectancy ratio of men ageing 60 between the years 1985 and 1990 was 16.22. For the men ageing 80 and above 100, this number dropped down to 5.88 and 1.99 respectively. Between the years 2010 and 2015, the ratio of men at 60 expected to live longer was 18.78 while that of men ageing 80 and 100 or above was 7.25 and 2.40. From 2030 to 2035, men at 60, 80 and 100+ will have a life expectancy ratio of 20.42, 8.13, and 2.66 respectively.

It is often said that women tend to live longer than men. The truth- between 1985–1990, the life expectancy of females at the age of 60 years was 19.23, females ageing 80 was 7.19 while that of women over 100 years was 2.26. This number has been on a significant rise over the years. From 2010 to 2015, the life expectancy of females ageing 60, 80 and 100+ was 21.64, 8.53 and 2.65 respectively. These numbers are expected to grow further on and are expected to reach a total of 23.27, 9.47 and 2.91 over the period of five years from 2030 to 2035.

Conclusion: Humans live far longer than ever before. Also, the gap between life expectancy of men and women is starting to close.

The above statement may give you a sense of accomplishment and happiness, but this rise in the life expectancy of sexagenarian, octogenarian, and centenarians isn’t necessarily a good sign.

Does the name Dr Ezekiel Emanuel ring any bells?

Let’s jog your memory- He was the bioethicist who assisted Former US President Barack Obama on healthcare. If you still don’t remember him, this might be more helpful- He was the one who wrote the somewhat infamous article “Why I Hope to Die at 75”.

People had varied reactions to this article published in 2014- some called him a lunatic, some accused him of being ungrateful for this precious life yet many people thanked him for giving a voice to their thoughts. Everyone wants to live for a century, but when Emanuel expressed his desire to die gracefully along with his senses, it struck anger.

Why is it so hard for us to accept our fate? Would you prefer to live all alone with a diseased body causing you pain every single moment? Yes, old age can be entirely different provided there’s proper care but do we have enough resources to take care of the growing elderly population?

Here’s something else you may not know-

The population of people in the age group of 65 or above is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2030 and 3.1 billion by 2050.

What do we need?

Long life and healthy life are two separate things, and the odds of having a combination of these two are rather slim. Medical advancements assist us in every way possible, allowing us to live out a few more years regardless of how miserable they might be. While we need to change our attitude towards old age, there’s also an immediate need to address the ageing population issue. Senior citizens are often left to fend off for themselves due to missing support systems. Whatever systems do exist, they are not so as well-equipped as we would like them to be.

There is a severe lack of senior homes that are capable of providing proper care and facilities. Also, the existing number of senior homes is nowhere close to housing the current population of older adults, let alone that part of the population which is going to need support over the coming years. Apart from this, the caregivers in these support homes fall short regarding experience and training. The knowledge required to take care of a senior citizen, who is at a very critical age and demand the best attention possible, is almost non-existent. In short, the whole care sector is very unorganised and is in dire need of a better system that manages everything from care homes to caretakers.

The perfect solution: GladAge

While everyone is racing to get ahead without any regard for such issues, GladAge decided to slow down, take a pause, and do something about this soon-to-be the most significant global problem.

Here’s how- GladAge has taken a step in this direction by bringing blockchain technology to the rescue. Blockchain technology is largely disrupting various sectors and has shown the potential of transforming a sick industry into a healthy one. Thus, empowered by blockchain and a purpose at heart, GladAge has built an entire ecosystem that can provide the best options concerning care homes, personalised care and everything else that a senior citizen could ask for.

GladAge will help property owners in leasing out their properties to governments or societies thus creating a source of revenue for themselves. The entire economy will be backed by a cryptocurrency (GAC)and smart contracts will bind the stakeholders. In-home caretakers will be paid using GAC coins and an e-commerce platform will provide access to care equipment and trading of assets or art forms.

Caretakers will undergo a careful training and screening process to ensure the best of services. The senior citizens will have access to a feedback system where they will be able to rate caretakers and provide their feedback. Various services offered by the platform will be powered through Smart Contracts to make the whole process reliable, auditable, transparent and convenient.

With vetted homes, well-trained caretakers, care equipment, and on-demand services, the sole purpose of GladAge is to create a happy and senior-citizen friendly environment. To do so, the platform promises a hassle-free living for an active lifestyle and social engagement. It is necessary to remember that apart from a safe home, our elders also need a life where they have the chance to connect and socialise with like-minded people. Not only this, the blockchain-powered platform will even allow services trading for any senior willing to offer his skill/service/expertise to corporates or NPOs.

In essence, GladAge is willing to give everything it takes to right everything that is wrong with the aged care sector. All it asks for is your support and cooperation to make this possible. Don’t you owe this much to your elders?

For more details visit gladage.com



Varun Satyam

Working on the most disruptive technology 21st century has ever witnessed : Blockchain!