Web 3.0 Will Be Powered by Blockchain Technology Stack

Aviv Lichtigstein
7 min readAug 7, 2018


Web 3.0 IT stack is still not developed yet completely. But it’s about to come out with full-on actions. So, what is Web 3? While Web 1.0 and 2.0 had centralized servers and, Web 3.0 blockchain stack has a decentralized network which is more user-centric. A transparent and secured internet that focuses on making things more humane.

There are six major significant features of the new Web, Web 3.0. We think these will help you to grasp the whole concept better.

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How Will Web 3.0 IT Stack Function?

The bigger the change is, the more time it takes for the society to adapt to it. Undoubtedly, Web 3 IT stack is complex and common people will need both time and effort from the developers. Web 2.0 is really user-friendly and people are comfortable using it.

Experts although say that people will happily accept this technology as humankind has befriended the tech more and more in the past 2 decades. We will have to use dApp browsers to use the new apps. These apps will sooner or later replace the older techs. For example, take a look at the table below.

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These are just a couple of web3 examples. There will more apps that will replace all the big names of today. These apps have to battle the market leaders who are ruling the market in a monopolistic way. Naturally, these apps will have better and advanced features compared to the previous ones. Only time can tell if they are good enough and win the battle of purity.

Nevertheless, Web 2.0 will not disappear totally. For example, e-mailing didn’t disappear after the appearance of smarter communication platforms. They just couldn’t win the fight against better tech.

Fundamental Differences among the Web Platforms

Web 1.0 had a rough start. People didn’t accept the internet as it was expensive and devices were rare. Nowadays almost every single person has a mobile that has an internet connection. Back then the devices with internet connectivity were rare. The experts often call it the Read-Only era. Most of the contents were curated by professionals and people would just read the data.

Simpler techs were available. Google was still an unborn child. People would have used Yahoo! or AltaVista. These search engines focused on domain names to judge the relevance of the search results. To share files from person to person Napster and BitTorrent were popular. The web was neither social nor semantic. We could call it the “Simply Web”. Websites had only hyperlinks and bookmark feature and they were all static. You could only browse the contents without giving any feedback or comment. There was no communication between a user and the servers.

Web 2.0 has both the capability of reading and writing web contents. Static websites had been replaced with interactive dynamic websites. Blogs are more popular than ever. Wikipedia is the open library where you could find all the knowledge. Instant messaging became a common and natural thing for the users.

Rather than being the simple web, they are often called the “Social Web”. It has a better interaction. It can stream videos; various apps are already here. Every traditional shop has converted to online stores for better marketing facilities more sales.

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From Centralized to Decentralized

One of the biggest flaws of the Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 is the client-server based architecture. So, you think about it clearly, all our personal data on the internet is basically stored in a computer with a huge storage. There is no fugazy or fugazi! All of the data is owned by any private company. So, this scene poses a serious threat to our privacy.

This centralized system had caused quite the fuss over the last few years. For example, you could think of the data breach of Facebook and Apple’s i-Cloud hack. Too many sensitive data got leaked to the public. The corporate giants are controlling our lives in many ways.

On the other hand, a decentralized network is free from the threat of data breaching. None has the authority over your personal data. There won’t be any centralized server. All the data will be distributed over the whole network. Your data can be stored be in a refrigerator or toaster if they have internet access. This the true beauty of Blockchain Technology — a decentralized, secured and private network that focuses on being humane.

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Changing to Data Democracy

Peer to Peer connection was precise from 1990, however, the fame increased when we started to use sharing programs such as Tor Browser or BitTorrent.

With the revolution of the cryptocurrency, blockchain is taking this infrastructure to a whole new level. Now we can move forward to decentralize data structure from our typical centralized system.

In the latest web3, we are redesigning the data infrastructure of the internet. However, it’s important to know that, Blockchain isn’t the only technology behind this, there are lots of other services in the decentralized web stack.

The main reason is that blockchain application stack isn’t that much ideal for storing a large amount of data as it still has scalability issue and doesn’t really have the privacy that much.

General Infrastructure Change in Web 3 Technology Stack

The infrastructure of the new Web 3.0 blockchain technology stack is different than previous ones. The transition is huge and granular. But the process of changing from client-server attribute to decentralized web will not be radical.

It’s still in the maturing phase. So, the transition would first be to create e partially decentralized web and then fully convert to decentralization. However, you should also consider the fact that even if they’re more secure they are much slower than before.

However, even though the future will be more decentralized but it still won’t mean that we would completely forget about the centralized system. They also have perks and we can definitely use them to our advantage.

The 5 Layers of the Architecture

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I’ve defined the first several layers on this one. Application layer will have the dApp browser, Application hosting, dApps, business logic and User interfaces.

The second stage of layers basically goes into the technology layer. This layer covers all the important tools to create and run the dApps layer. It usually covers data feeds, Off-chain computing, Governance (DAO’s), State channels, and side chains. It is important to mention the smart contracts, as they simply get rid of the middleman altogether. You won’t have to deal with trust issues and will be able to exchange your valuables such as money, shares or property and even tokens in a conflict-free way.

The protocol layer covers the different consensus algorithms, participation requirements, Virtual Machines and many more. Blockchains use consensus algorithms to ensure that the nodes come to an agreement.

How Web 3.0 Will Change Our Lives?

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Big names in the IT industry are now playing monopoly with information. As we have entered the age of information, the value of information is sure to skyrocket. Web 3 IT stack will be a big hit in the face of these corporate companies. It will be decentralized and more democratic. We will soon see changes in our daily lives.

Cryptocurrencies are already in a battle with the federal banks and governments. The world’s first blockchain mobile phone is here. Thanks to Foxconn. Platforms will become trustless. People’s personal information will no longer become a product for sale.

We are already witnessing changes around us. Zug, a city of Switzerland has registered all their citizen’s ID on an Ethereum blockchain.

Websites like the Pirate Bay have taken countless strikes by various governments due to copyright issue. But the website is extremely popular among the common users. Governments have taken down lots of domains. So, websites like the pirate bay will be safe from such forceful actions from the governments.

The users can now take a sound sleep as their private information will be more secured due to enhanced encryption of the structure. Decentralization will make the rebellious hackers happier.

Various apps will take over the major websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google drive and the popular browsers. Decentralized apps will become the thing of tomorrow.

In short, the very world of internet as we know it will change its nature.

Concluding Remark

In the world of blockchains, it’s only normal that we would get a newer version of the web system. The process is still on its way and has a lot of improvements we can still hope for a much better digital experience.

Let’s see what the future awaits for us.


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Originally published at 101blockchains.com on August 7, 2018.



Aviv Lichtigstein

A Blockchain enthusiast and entrepreneur with extensive experience in building enterprise products. Founder of 101Blockchains.com - Making Blockchain Simple.