An Opening Note

Long “Leo” Pham
1 min readJan 20, 2016


I have never been really an outgoing person. Still, in my late teens and early 20s, just to prove my coolness and get laid a lot, I went ahead and party as hard as humanly possible. Then, at some point in my life, I realized that all those nights spent on taking shots and bamboozling drunk girls were all a huge waste of time. So I moved on to work for a startup, first as an intern, then later on an employee / founding associate.

3.5 years later, I finally approach that point when I soon will most likely get my ass shipped out of this country, if I don’t suddenly get super lucky and receive one of those work visas. Life, what can I say?

So, I think it’s about time I start recollecting the experiences and wisdom I’ve accumulated in the past years working as a full-time startup individual. Maybe noone’ll read this blog, or maybe someone will. Either way, just happy to be sharing some thoughts on startup, hard-working, and living life.

That is all for now. First blog coming soon.





Long “Leo” Pham

Vietnamese innovation enthusiast. Lazy writer. ex-VC & web3 amateur