Why the death of your money is coming and the steps you can take to avoid it

Chris Herd
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2018


My vision for Nexves is clearly massively ambitious, but ultimately technology has evolved to make it inevitable. There’s probably no bigger arbitrator of truth in the world than your bank, but fundamentally there’s a misalignment of available knowledge. By collaboratively acting together, we can fill that gap while enabling everyone to reduce their recurring expenses. A peer-to-peer platform for intelligence where attention becomes a form of currency.

Simultaneously it provides a ramp to participation for those not ready to make the leap to cryptographically secure wallets and tokenised exchange. The whole world isn’t going to wake up today and realise the merits of both, while I believe we can innovate around products and services they are already familiar with to lower barriers to entry. By providing services that are several orders of magnitude more efficient, rewarding and easier to use we can encourage those people to switch without the requirement for them to change behaviour. While each additional person creates a network effect of benefit for everyone.

Next, tokenisation enables us to encourage behaviours and actions that are mutually beneficial. This plays to the psychological theory of rational self-interest. We can pay people to act selfishly for the collective benefit of everyone — that is revolutionary.

Longer term — Nexves becomes a critical piece of infrastructure required for the emergence of Web 3.0, and that’s the vision I have communicated less because so much has to go right for us to get there. The internet is broken. Advertisement follows you around, services are free due to their intrinsically exploitative revenue models. This will change. Your Nexves account becomes a ubiquitous mechanism for trust, a universal passport which travels with you across the net, in a world where trust is impossible without it. Actions currently taken on online can be monitored and tracked which enables you to maintain control of your data — while profiting from it. Extrapolate that to every service you currently use. At the periphery of legality you can already see how the future of the internet looks without advertising as a form of revenue. You forfeit a % of your computer processing power to mine crypto. That would then be redistributed to the creators of products, services and content as per the duration of time it was consumed by individuals.

There are a few really insightful things to look at in relation to the above. John Nash’s ideal money theory, and John Laws asset backed currency during the 1700’s in France. I realise Law failed, but I would suggest it was due to a lack of transparency which tech can easily overcome today.

To get there, we need to change perceptions, habits and behaviours through the creation of products and services which provide unparalleled consumer benefit. The first link of that chain is an investment fund. You forfeit the interest you would accrue on money stored in our account — the amount of interest you currently receive from existing institutions is so derisory that it is borderline offensive anyway. By redeploying that capital, Nexves becomes a super aggregator, we can harness an unprecedented level of influence on our investments. Together we can access asset classes reserved only for the richest 1%, democratising it to remaining 99%. I have a call on Tuesday with one of the most powerful investors in the States, hoping to come to an agreement on partnership with them on investments. The credibility this gives us is undeniable, while the exposure is huge. At the same time, we are talking to similar people in the international and commercial real estate markets.

Nexves can become much more than that. I have used the tagline of fund your future when distilling down the simplest essence of what it hopes to achieve. I have been too modest in that vision. The ultimate goal is to fund the future. That might seem like a tiny change, but it is hugely important. We want to fund, develop and implement ideas that make the world a better place. That might be solving a problem you currently have or funding a product or service you have always dreamed about. Collectively it might mean coming together to achieve incredibly bold dreams.

One example is in childcare. Families struggle mightily during holiday periods — where do you put your kids if you work full time? — what if there was an Airbnb/Uber type service where you could find a qualified teacher to take care of your children? Those are the types of problems we want to invest in and solve. Nexves takes an ownership position in the and we all benefit from its success. We don’t just want to fund another photo sharing service, we seek to tackle big problems that afflict large numbers of people.

For everyone to succeed, this has to scale massively. We need to get to 100,000–1m users quickly, which sounds like a massive range but on an exponential scale it isn’t. Our investor is going to expose us to a large number of people and we are connecting with the UK’s largest independent PR company for launch.

That’s only half of the equation.

Nexves is about a collective belief that a large number of people can collaborate and achieve far more together than we ever could alone. It’s about the family of a platform emerging to help everyone save money while influencing the success of the ventures we support. Nexves only succeeds if you all do and to me that is massively important. It’s why I’m so passionate about what we are trying to achieve. It may transpire that it is too soon for the platform, that it’s too ambitious or it doesn’t scale to the size needed quickly enough and if that is the case it would be hugely disappointing.

That said, I’d rather fail trying to create something that will be generationally transformative with the opportunity to revolutionise an industry which is failing the consumer at unforgivable scale. With that, I need help. Everything we build will be useless without people using the platform. That means the referral programme is the most vital part of everything. Today someone contacted me in New Zealand whose brother turned them on to the platform, last week it was someone in South Africa. There is a universal appreciation of our vision we just need people to see it.

Next week I anticipate the site launching for sign up. This doesn’t mean the mechanism for deposit or participating in the ICO is ready, it’s not. What I do think will be in place though, is the referral programme where you can begin recommending the platform to your friends, family or acquaintances. I haven’t yet fixed the reward for each successful referral, all I can say is that the reward with be commensurate to the importance of scale and you will receive this as soon as the platform is operational.

If you believe in the promise of Nexves the journey is just about to begin. It won’t always be smooth, it might not always be straightforward or pretty. Undoubtedly, we will need to pivot a number of times which will probably lead to unpopular decisions. What I can promise and guarantee is that Nexves will do everything in its power to realise its potential. That already means 100 hour weeks, sacrifice and struggles.

It will all be worth it if we are able to realise even 50% of what we plan.

Together we can



Chris Herd

CEO / Founder / Coach @FirstbaseHQ Empowering people to work in their lives not live at work ✌️✌