Work More And You Will Get More Work To Do As A Reward

This is my favorite paradox, because if it wouldn’t have been true, I would’ve already given up. And this is why you shouldn’t either.

Sofya Abramchuk
4 min readMar 10, 2016

This is a second article I am writing about struggling to be an entrepreneur. And for at least 5 years from now, I don’t think I will ever stop struggling. Until I manage to reinvent myself I will not get to the point where I want to be.

Two months ago, I started my life almost from scratch. My lifestyle changed completely, it went from pulling all-nighters and killing myself at studying architecture to having so much free time that I didn’t know what to do. Surprisingly enough, I found ways of keeping myself busy, and started growing, in every sense in my life- health, eating, exercising, reading a lot, sleeping well. But what was even more surprising was that I become more of a loner, I started to be comfortable with myself and even my family noticed that I was changing. I became more thoughtful, judging of myself, more into myself. I wonder why it happened? Maybe because growing personally is always very difficult and you need your full potential to actually achieve something.

Then I decided to quit all of it! It became too comfortable, too familiar and too nice. And I also wanted to start earning money. So I found an internship in another city, started looking for a flat, started travelling and it all went to hell. My perfect world and personal growth stopped. I didn’t go back to my productivity level of 2 months ago, but I didn’t continue growing either. To be honest, it was the most difficult time of my life, where every single thing that I did was wrong, I was just getting hit from every side to every soft point I have. I stopped believing in myself, I stopped trusting me, my decisions, my actions and my motivations. I got sick, depressed, didn’t want to do anything as if it was the perfect solution.

The main thing that I think I have learned from these two months is: you will only become busier and will have more work when you want to be busy and work hard.

I am always like why do I have everything in the same moment and the other times I just sit there doing nothing?! Well here is the answer: When you are doing things that you love/enjoy/happen to be doing, the universe will give you more and more and more! It just assumes that you love what you do, and you want more opportunities for growth, success, and achievements. The moment you stop and relax, it will turn away from you, being disappointed that you didn’t take your chance. This is why I am back to my shape now. I want more. I want everything happening. I want sleepless nights, I want no free time so that I can think about how I can rest. I want to be busy, to be proud of being busy, of not having a moment to get lunch (also another way of losing weight ;) ). I always congratulate people when they answer to the question “How are you doing?” with “I have a lot of work”. I love people who are DOING, I just think they have so much energy, that they should be transmitting to the outer world.

One of the things I know about for sure is that it is scary to do something, to change your life. I know that sometimes it is so much easier to drop it all and go back to your safe nest. Changing to the business degree is not easier for me than doing architecture. My previous degree was too familiar. I already knew how to do it, everyone acknowledged that I was the best, that I have a bright future and that I would be a “great” architect. But damn, I don’t want to be a great architect! I want to change this humongous world! This is a super difficult task, and it consists of so many steps that I have to take that I have never taken. This is challenging. Business studies are challenging for me because it is different. This is why I love it. This is why the realisation of this gives me peace of mind, it allows me to keep going forward, to the unknown. DO NOT BE COMFORTABLE. Comfortable will kill you like it is killing the majority of the conformist middle class. Learn, struggle and do. There is no other way!

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Sofya Abramchuk

Entrepreneur, artist and innovator. Co-founder at Gaudi Inspired #TEDx_Speaker