You've Gotta Fight For Your Right To Privacy

3 min readMay 2, 2018


Beeeep!!! Beeeep!!! Beeeep!!! You can hear your phones alarm buzzing as your brain tries to shake off the weight of sleep. A serge of panic enters your body and in an instant you are woken with phone in hand checking the time. It’s 6:58AM you still have two minutes before you start collecting negative points. “Thank God” you think to yourself. “I collected to many yesterday when I slept in an extra 30 minutes.” You go about the rest of your morning as you always do. Waking up the rest of your family, Taking your allotted 10 minute shower and Eating your breakfast rations. Once everyone is awake and taken care of. You get in your car and wait for it to take it’s predetermined route to work before you are marked as late. Everything you Do, Say and Hear is all monitored and recorded. Small indiscretions are over looked, but say to much or do to little and the cops may be knocking on your door.

This is a world that operates on a grid. Where you are no longer human, just another piece of machinery and just like a piece of machinery. If you don’t preform properly you are replaced. When we don’t set barriers between what is public and what is private it’s all up for grabs. We use products and services expecting that the companies that own them have our best interest at heart, but in most cases this is far from the truth. They will take this trust, and use it and abuse it. Facebook is the biggest offender of this. So much so the Government tried to get involved and Facebook ran circles around them. By the end they were asking Mark Zuckerberg for his advice on Internet Privacy Bills. This means it’s your responsibility to make your private life private.

Now the optimist in me wants to say that even without Internet Privacy. We will never see a dystopian future like the one above, but this is only one version of what it could be. Living in a world where it seems that everyone is spying on you from Facebook to the CIA. It might seem hopeless to fight for your right to Privacy, but it’s not. The PrivSec is here to fight with you. We will continue to inform you of what is happening within the Internet Privacy and Security realm as well as teach you what you need to do to secure your connection to the Internet.

You shouldn’t be scared of making a post on Facebook or speaking out against the leader of your country. You shouldn’t worry if the posts you are seeing are true or a means of control. You are human and privacy is your right. We will do what ever it takes to ensure that that right isn’t taken from you. Welcome to the Privacy Sector.

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Internet Security and Privacy enthusiast “trying to make the Internet a safer place one story at a time.”