Zero Knowledge Proof Application Demo

David (drbh) Holtz


ZKP’s are a promising rapidly developing technology and are soon going to be a critical part of many of our security protocols.

In this article we are going to get hands on with libsnarks, truffle and docker.

Before we do anything — let’s make sure we have all the required programs we’ll need to run our app. If you have issues running the below block — please install the missing dep before following along.

docker -v # Docker version 18.09.1, build 4c52b90
git --version # git version 2.17.2 (Apple Git-113)
node -v # v10.15.0
truffle version # Truffle v5.0.4 (core: 5.0.4)
python3 --version # Python 3.7.2

Also for debugging purposes we will deploy the code to a locally running blockchain: Please download Ganache as well

Now we just need to finish up by installing the python packages needed to run our app. The application is just some wrapped up calls to ZoKrates and the Blockchain.

pip3 install docker flask web3

Setup ZKP CLI app

First we need to get the some repos.

git clone
cd ZoKrates
mkdir code
docker build -t zokrates_tutorial .

