Top Stories published by HackerYou College of Technology in November of 2013

Life as a Freelancer — Notes and Video Recording

This post was originally published on Wes Bos’s website at

Three things I love are coding, teaching and running a business. I’m fortunate enough to do all three for a living. Doing so I get a ton of…

Showcasing Our Intro to HTML & CSS and Responsive Design Talent!

Our Intro to HTML & CSS and Intro to Responsive Design courses culminate with one final project that looks great on any computer and it’s also responsive which means it looks just as great on a computer, tablet or…

Announcing Our New Home at 483 Queen Street West

Recently, Ladies Learning Code announced that they are moving into a new 7000 square foot space on Queen Street West in Toronto in January 2014. It’s true, but it’s not quite the whole story. In reality, it’s more like HackerYou is moving, and…

HackerYou College of Technology
Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.
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