Blog Post Roundup: HackerYou Summer ’14 Bootcamp Students

HackerYou College of Technology
1 min readAug 5, 2014

How is it already August!? Last week, our students dipped their feet into the crazy world of JavaScript and jQuery. It’s been so busy here at our nine-week full-time front-end development bootcamp, and yet our students have been able to blog about their learning! Check out some of their blog posts below:

Asaf Gerchak@CoderOfNote

— -We Can Rebuild It: Part 1

Carrie Guss@CarrieGuss

— -How To: Recover From a Git Hard Reset

Colin D’Amelio@colindameli0

— -Everybody’s Something: How Pizza and Beer Opened My Eyes to the Power of Meetups

Dumitru Onceanu@dumitruonceanu

— -How to Make a Menu Bar With a Dropdown Subnav and Continuous Border

Enzo Carletti@enzofromspace

— -Google Is Like God, But With Answers

Kerry Wall@kerrywall

— -Fun with Teoria.js

Nancy Naluz@nancynaluz

— Band Geek turned Dev: A Luddite Story

Nasma Ahmed@nasma_ahmed

— Moving Beyond Passive Learning

Simon Bloom@SimonWBloom

— -What the Butler Searched: Speed up Your Workflow with Alfred

Zaid Hanania@ZaidHanania

— -Bower 101

Want to see more?

To keep up to date about everything happening at HackerYou, be sure to follow us on Twitter at @hackeryou and sign up for our mailing list! And if you think a bootcamp might be a fit for you, learn more about ours here. We’re now accepting applications for our Fall 2014 cohort!



HackerYou College of Technology

Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.