HackerYou Bootcamp Student Blog Post Roundup: Week 3

HackerYou College of Technology
1 min readFeb 20, 2014

Last week marked the start of Week Three of our nine-week full-time web development bootcamp, and it was a busy one. During the week, students learned responsive design, how to use git and Github, and how to scope, quote and price freelance projects. Outside of class, though, the students have also been busy! Check out their blog posts below to see what our students had to say about their third week at HackerYou.

Alison Kinross @awkinross

— -Check out my Codepen!

Amy Allen @inquisitive_amy

— — Going Responsive

Daniel Thai

— -Why I love wireframes and prototyping

Danielle Webb @danigirl1987

— -How I hacked a Google form

Elizabeth Melito @imemelito

— -Codepen and CSS3 Animations

Emma Harris@emmaraeharris

— -Why I love CSS3

Evelyn Low@evlow

— -ways of organizing CSS properties

Fiona Martin

— -Making a pseudo 3D cube with CSS3!

Gab White @gabwhite

— -Unicorns, Feminism, and CSS3 Gradients

Habib Akbar

— -Week 3 connecting the dots…

Hannah Allen

— -Steps to installing a jQuery plugin

Jana Hue@jana_hue

— -Web Developer vs. Web Designer

Jessica Duarte @jessicaduarte

— -Ms. Hoff and Mr. Voff Go On A Date — CodePen Fun

Jessica Marshall

— -Thoughts on week two of HY

Nathan Foon @nathanfoon

— -Fluid-width Twitter widgets

Robyn Larsen @robyn_larsen

— -An afternoon with Toronto’s technology lawyer RHH at hackerYou



HackerYou College of Technology

Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.