HackerYou Spring ’14 Bootcamp Student Projects: JavaScript, jQuery & APIs

HackerYou College of Technology
3 min readMay 27, 2014

In the past two weeks, our Bootcamp students have been working hard learning JavaScript and jQuery, and understandably, it has been a roller coaster of emotions. But, the real fun came when they started playing with APIs to create their own web apps!

Here’s a showcase of some our Spring 2014 Bootcamp web apps:

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Wu-Tangify - Simon Proudfoot


Simon Proudfoot@proudfeet_

— — A fun app that let’s you Wu-Tangify a list of characters from a movie of your choice!

[caption id=”attachment_3047" align=”alignleft” width=”300"]

Cover Me - Emily Porta

Cover Me[/caption]

Emily Porta@agentemily

— — Want to listen to an awesome cover of the latest song? Cover Me will generate a random one for you from YouTube!

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S#%t MPs Say - Matt McFadyen

S#%t MPs Say[/caption]

Matt McFadyen@mattmcfad

— — S#%t MPs Say generates what other MPs are saying about the party leaders on the Hill.

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Press Go - Nerissa Martin

Press Go[/caption]

Nerissa Martin@JustNerissa

— — Say you’re in a super cool city, and want to check out a gig … Press Go will let you know what’s going on!

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TEDRoulette - Sarah Capecci


Sarah Capecci@sarahcapecci

— — There are so man TED videos, that sometimes you just need to be told which ones to watch! TEDRoulette makes it easy for you to learn!

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Mix & Match Your Music - Jessie Willms

Mix & Match Your Music[/caption]

Jessie Willms@jessiewillms

— — Have you been listening to the same artist for awhile, and now need something new? In the similar vein? This suggests some artists to check out!

Wish you were part of this amazing group?

We still have a few spots left for our Summer 2014 cohort! It begins on June 30th and will be led by a very talented trio: Brenna O’Brien, Christina Truong and Drew Minns. Click here to learn more or apply.



HackerYou College of Technology

Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.