Introducing Advanced Workshops

HackerYou College of Technology
2 min readJun 24, 2015

Here at HackerYou, we pride ourselves on the quality of our programming. We regularly update our curriculum as the tech industry evolves and our graduates learn and use industry best practices. Our instructors teach classes, but they too are always evolving their skills. They are constantly learning new programming languages and frameworks, upgrading their workflows and challenging themselves to become better developers.

In our ongoing journey to offer the best ways to learn how to code in Toronto, we’re happy to announce that we are launching one- and two-day workshops this summer! These workshops will be led by some of Toronto’s best developers. They use the stuff they’re teaching every day, and know them back to front. They’re the best.

But why workshops?

Our alumni community keeps growing and is full of fantastic, driven individuals. About 500 students complete one of our part-time classes or our bootcamp every year, and many of them don’t want their learning to stop there. No matter what their reason for coming to HackerYou, many of them have realized that they love to code and they want more. Or, they want to make sure that they don’t lose their hard-earned skills once their course is over (“use it or lose it”). These workshops are built especially for them; to help them level up as developers, or just to keep their learning going. At the same time, this intermediate-level programming is a great opportunity for people outside the HackerYou community to level up their skills too.

Our first workshop will take place on Thursday, July 16th, focused on Mastering Gulp.js Build Systems and led by Wes Bos. All modern websites and web applications require a build step in which developers compile, compress and clean any code or assets in their projects. Gulp.js is a task runner that allows developers to quickly create and customize build systems for any project.

Learning Gulp.js is an investment that will be useful for any developer, whether they’re building a website on Wordpress, a Ruby on Rails application or creating an app in Angular.js. Participants will come out with a full understanding of Gulp and the ability to create totally customized build systems. Participants will become more efficient, create better and cleaner codebases while also producing faster loading websites.

Coming later this fall, Ryan Christani will be leading a two-day workshop on Advanced JavaSript & an Introduction to Angular. Keep an eye on our Workshops page to learn more.

Want to keep learning? Sign up for Wes Bos’ Gulp.js workshop now.



HackerYou College of Technology

Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.