Introducing the Rails Course Projects: Hacklendar & Hackboard

HackerYou College of Technology
3 min readNov 2, 2012

It’s been an exciting few months at HackerYou. We’re more than halfway through our first (sold out!) 72-hour course (an Introduction to Front-End Web Development), we’ve organized a few dozen workshops (teaching everything from HTML and CSS to 3D printing) and, a couple weeks ago, we announced that applications are now open for our second 72-hour course: an Introduction to Ruby on Rails!

About the HackerYou Intro to Rails Course

Beginning on January 21st, 2012, and running every Monday and Thursday for 12 weeks (skipping the week of February 18th, of course — it’s Spring Break!), 30 students will have the opportunity to learn Ruby on Rails from the ground up, with the help of two incredibly talented and passionate developers as their Lead Instructors: Ryan Brunner and Brad Robertson from Influitive. (If you want to take them for a test drive, they’ll be leading an Intro to Ruby course for Ladies Learning Code on December 8th. You heard it here first.)

[Of course, at HackerYou, there’s always a student-to-instructor ratio of 10:1 or better, so Ryan and Brad will be joined at each class by one or more talented developers from Toronto’s Rails community. If you want to be one of those Assistant Instructors or “mentors” (as we like to call them), please get in touch! Note that it is a paid gig.]

What You’ll Build

HackerYou is all about hands-on, project-based learning, which is why we take the selection of projects to work on during the course really seriously. They have to be challenging (but not too challenging), and they also have to be fun, personal and customizable. We think we hit the nail on the head with the projects we’ve selected for our first Rails course: Hacklendar and Hackboard.

Join us in 2013 and learn the fundamentals of Ruby on Rails by building the following applications from scratch. Note that beginners are 100% welcome! Learn more about the course here.

Hacklendar (

Hacklendar is a calendar app that allows you to track your progress toward a goal. Check out a live demo here (and feel free to add new entries!):

Hackboard (

Hackboard is a Pinterest-style application that includes functionality like Twitter login, photo upload, and comments. Check out a live demo here (and feel free to add new boards and posts):

Thanks to Ryan, Brad and Breanna for conceptualizing these projects and bringing them to life. I know I can speak for all of us when I say that we are incredibly excited to bring together 30 beginners in January and teach them how to build these Rails apps from scratch. It’s going to be an adventure. Now the only question is…when are you going to submit an application?

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Get in touch on Twitter (we’re @hackeryou) or by email at info [at]



HackerYou College of Technology

Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.