Secrets of a Side Hustler x HackerYou

HackerYou College of Technology
2 min readFeb 24, 2016

One of the best parts of the HackerYou community is the drive and passion of our students, graduates and staff. We’re a community full of people who love to code — it’s what brought us together in the first place! Whenever you have a conversation with someone here, it’s likely there will be some talk of coding and working in tech. But conversations often veer into what people do outside of their 9–5 lives — their passions, side projects and ventures.

We’re a community full of creative, driven people. Our students, grads and staff are people who make art, educational tools, businesses, apps, all because they have a drive and passion to create. It’s inspiring.

So when Secrets of a Side Hustler approached us about partnering on a number of events throughout 2016, we jumped at the opportunity. Secrets of a Side Hustler is a Toronto-based venture led by Chivon John that exists to empower side hustlers with the clarity, confidence and business savvy to start and a grow a business while working full time. Secrets of a Side Hustler exists to help people turn their side projects into full-fledged businesses while maintaining full-time employment in a strategic and healthy way.

We love that. The mandate, the strategy and the amazing events that Secrets of a Side Hustler hosts promotes entrepreneurship in a way that’s healthy, successful and inventive. When an awesome organization like Secrets of a Side Hustler asks you to partner, you say yes.

Over the course of 2016, Secrets of a Side Hustler and HackerYou will partner on events for side hustlers looking to bring their business ideas into reality. Speed mentoring, financial tips and tricks, dinners, workshops, exit strategies and more are all on the docket for 2016. Keep your eye on Secrets of a Side Hustler’s site, and on ours. We can’t wait to tell you more about these events and help you discover your own side hustle.



HackerYou College of Technology

Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.