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From A Student

HackerYou College of Technology
HackerYou College of Technology
Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.
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Diving in and Doing the Work

This post was written by Jessica Jones, a graduate of our part-time Web Development courses. This summer, she’ll be joining us as part of our Full-Time Front-End Web Development bootcamp. Her original post can be found on her Medium page here.

Welcome Home

This post was written by Winston Chow, who is a graduate of our front-end bootcamp and a Front-End Developer at Demac Media. You can find his original post and more of his work here.

There are places in our lives that keep us anchored both physically and spiritually. The places…

HackerYou Bootcamp Student Blog Post Roundup: Week 3

Last week marked the start of Week Three of our nine-week full-time web development bootcamp, and it was a busy one. During the week, students learned responsive design, how to use git and Github, and how to scope, quote and price…