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Student Spotlight

HackerYou College of Technology
HackerYou College of Technology
Hands-on, project-based learning. Proven results. We offer Toronto’s best full-and part-time coding courses to help you become the best developer you can be.
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My Journey from Print to Web Design

This post was written by Hamsa Ganesh, a graduate of our full-time immersive program. Hamsa originally worked as a designer and travelled from Pune, India to take part in our bootcamp in Fall 2015. You can learn more about her story on her Medium page.

Work from our Part-Time Web Dev Students

When HackerYou first started in the fall of 2012, we offered part-time courses on one topic — Web Development. It was hosted at the Centre for Social Innovation and our students learned HTML & CSS from Wes Bos, a fantastic developer and partner of ours who…

Alumni Stories: Emily Porta

Emily Porta is a graduate of our Spring 2014 bootcamp and just completed our part-time Ruby on Rails course. Before coming to HackerYou, Emily worked as a librarian. She’s now a Front-End Web Developer at Shift Health. You can check out her work and more of her writing here.

Diving in and Doing the Work

This post was written by Jessica Jones, a graduate of our part-time Web Development courses. This summer, she’ll be joining us as part of our Full-Time Front-End Web Development bootcamp. Her original post can be found on her Medium page here.

Alumni Stories: Rachel Park

Rachel Park is a graduate of our inaugural Fall 2014 Design class and is a current student in our HTML & CSS class. After completing a degree in Systems Design Engineering at University of Waterloo, she returned to Toronto and pursued her curiosity in design. She now works at…

What are they doing now?

By HackerYou bootcamp graduate Rachel Bloom (@rachelblm)

Four cohorts have now graduated from HackerYou’s full time front-end web development bootcamp, so I decided to sit down with a few fellow bootcamp alumni to find out how life is treating them…