A Virtual Assistant That Teaches Thirukkural

Srimathi Jagadeesan
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2022

Thirukkural(திருக்குறள்) is an undeniably popular public book. The writer of this book is Thiruvalluvar. The book has been converted into additional dialects. Every part is a venpa with two feet and seven syllables.
In this book, the bigger segment is partitioned into smaller areas into science, and then further into areas such as power.

Many individuals in the present age don’t peruse or follow the Thirukkural. I thought of executing this utilizing man-made reasoning innovation.

What is a Chatbot or Virtual Assistant?
Virtual Assistant is software used to lead online visit discussions by means of text or text-to-speech, as opposed to giving direct contact with a human specialist. Furthermore, speaks with them through news destinations. It utilizes NLP innovation, so it can grasp human inquiries.

Thirukkural Bot

Here, I have given the chapter number as a few choices or button types so that individuals can undoubtedly speak with the Virtual Assistant. Interestingly, I have added the image of Thirukkural and Thiruvalluvar for their better seeing so that even youngsters can easily read all of thatThirukkural using Chatbot technology.

Button type answer

The chatbot can address questions asked by the Users. Assuming the user taps on Chapter 1(அதிகாரம் 1), the Virtual Assistant will give multiple options . Since every chapter(அதிகாரம்) consists of Ten Thirukkurals. So I have given multiple options:
For Example, Refer to the beneath picture

அதிகாரம் 1 (Chapter 1 )

For instance, if I’m tapping on “Thirukkural option 1”then the bot will give the right reaction. I have added kural as well as the significance of the kural, so that it may be useful! You can refer to the image below!

Thirukkural 1
Thirukkural 2

And yes, got the right response from the bot!

Next, Chapter 2 (அதிகாரம் 2) same as chapter 1

Chapter 2(அதிகாரம் 2)

Chapter 2 comprises of Ten kurals (from kural 11 to kural 20), likewise, we can click any one kural,then bot will give right reaction.

Thirukkural 12
Thirukkural 14

For each option,I have imported both kural and significance of thirukkural! In the mean time users can undoubtedly get each kural from the chatbot.

Next , Let us see Chapter 4:)

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 consists of 10 kurals (from 31 to 40). Below I have attached the chatbot execution.

Thirukkural 34

Through this chatbot, we can get thirukkurals with practically no error,The central thing is that I have isolated every single chapter (அதிகாரம்) for better comprehension!

Thirukkural 40

This is how the thirukkural bot works!

I have added only five chapers(அதிகாரம்). Below, I have attached the chapter 5 image.

Chapter 5
Thirukkural 45

At last, this chatbot would be more useful to the users! And let me upload every 133 parts(அதிகாரம்) and 1330 kurals as soon as possible!

Here is the advantage,

The primary objective to implement this project is,
I thought that these days everyone has smartphones with them, instead of studying thirukkurals through the book, this is a smart idea where each user can concentrate enthusiastically read kural through chatbot. And furthermore it will reach numerous users across the world:)

Chapter(அதிகாரம்) 6 and 7 are along these lines. So it is not difficult to peruse this chatbot. I made the site and embedded this chatbot underneath, where each client can get the Thirukkural from the Virtual assistant. chatbot comprehends both English and Tamil, however here I have executed it in Tamil. I have added a notice button or update button, were assuming that the client taps the update button, the chatbot will send the Thirukkural each day. It’s a decent beginning when we start with the Thirukkural(திருக்குறள்) consistently! Individuals ought to peruse or see a string consistently and follow the way!

Eventually, finally, I end the discussion with a thank you, and added the input choice to that chatbot reaction. I have appended the picture underneath.

End conversation!

“யாமறிந்த புலவரிலே கம்பனைப் போல்

வள்ளுவர்போல், இளங்கோவைப்போல்,

பூமிதனில் யாங்கணுமே பிறந்ததிலை” -

— என்றார் பாரதியார்

So read Thirukkural(திருக்குறள்) and follow its methodologies :)

The full chatbot application would be distributed soon and I’ll coordinate it on the site:)

The website would be launched soon!

Thank You:)




Srimathi Jagadeesan

Conversational AI || Mentored 500+ Students || Bot Builder|| Tech blogger|| Technical Trainer || Self learner.