The Machine Learning FAQ Chatbot!

Srimathi Jagadeesan
Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2022

Hey There ! Are you excited to see my next blog? Okay, then read my article here:)

Here I’ll be going to make sense of an AI Chatbot that is connected with Machine Learning. That is the bot will educate you regarding some AI questions and replies, similar to a faq this could accommodate for your ML Interview arrangements! Since it’s a question & Answering type & You could be able to study these Ml Q&A easily!

Let’s move into the main content!


In my previous blog, I mentioned about chatbots. I hope you got the point about chatbots, & how they work, and all those stuff!

What is Faq Bot?

So, Faq chatbot is a type of chatbot, that will connect the agent with a Knowledge base, Where we have to import some questions on the same topic so that it could be able to understand the user queries. For your better understanding, I have inserted a bot image below!


As you can see from the image,

You’ll get to know about the exact conversations! Here Messenger: Bot message(text)would be displayed in White & User’s message(text) would be displayed in Green!

And the main point is that if the user asks for “What is Machine Learning” the bot could be able to identify the phrase & it will give the output according to that particular input!

Below I have mentioned some user prompts!

User prompt

Here, I have imported some of the user phrases! Totally I have added 30+ important faq’s.

Now let me try with another question,


Presently, the bot has the capacity to grasp the catchphrase, since it’s turned out great and additionally the result matches the inquiry! After training the bot, it will come to understand the user’s questions.

Here, are the other possible methods, we can integrate this bot on any social media platforms like Telegram, Facebook, What’s an app, Line, Slack & Kik. As of now, I have integrated this chatbot into the website!

Here I have inserted the full chatbot widget! You can refer to the below image.


As you can see, I have customized the chat window, for user understanding!

That’s all for now:)

I hope you found this blog helpful!

I’ll be adding the bot code and chatbot link to my Github!

Click Here to visit my GitHub profile!


Chatbot Integration with UiPath use case would be released soon!




Srimathi Jagadeesan

Conversational AI || Mentored 500+ Students || Bot Builder|| Tech blogger|| Technical Trainer || Self learner.