Web Development for Beginners

Alyzee Sosa
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020

Websites have been integrated into our every day lives. It’s essential for all companies and organizations to have a website, so they can have a platform available for the world to see on the internet. But if you’re a beginner, how do you get started out on web dev projects? Well, this post will cover everything you need to know to get started on making your own web dev projects!

Website Components

To start off, what’s needed to create a website? What does a eebsite contain? Sites contain domains, hosting, CMS(content management systems), front and back end elements, etc are all essential components for a website. But as a beginner, you shouldn’t be overwhelmed by these terms. Most online platforms include automated web adresses to display your site project, and as a beginner you’ll mostly be working with front end elements (what the user sees and interacts with).

Programming Languages

The basic computer programming languages used to build static sites are HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) and Javascript. To learn these computer languages and build a foundation for more advanced frameworks, you can use freecodecamp.org, CodeCademy, and other resources.

Design and Layout

Websites have to be appealing and catch the eye of your audience. Without the use of proper graphics and styling, your project can look bland. With the use of CSS and other graphics, you can make your project look amazing. Usually, web developers create a mockup and wireframe for their site before they begin the actual code. A mockup is the skeleton of a site, and a mockup is a non-interactive display of your webstie layout. Resources to create these include https://www.figma.com and https://moqups.com .

Platforms on your Browser to create sites

For beginners, you can start developing a web app project either from a text editor on your computer, or a platform on your browser with built-in displays and automated web addresses to view your site. Many of these platforms also have publications so that other users can view you projects. Some of these platforms include:Qoom.io , Repl.it, https://glitch.com, and Codepen.io !

Web Development can be a fun way to introduce yourself to computer science while also creating amazing web projects!

