Are you aware of the 8 Ways Kids may use #Instagram to #cyberbullying?

Ivan Ferrero Digital Psy
Digital Parenting Tips
1 min readJul 23, 2015

While I like Instagram, there are some ways teens may use it and #cybebully:

1) Bullies can post a malicious or embarrassing photo of a target for all of their followers to see

2) Bullies can write a caption on a disgusting or insulting photo and tag it with a target’s username

3) Bullies can post cruel remarks under a photo that someone else posts

4) Bullies can add a mean hashtag under a photo your child posts

5) Bullies can create a fake account in your child’s name

6) Bullies can post screenshots of private text messages

7) Bullies can take and post embarrassing screenshots while using FaceTime

8) Bullies can use the “Add People” feature and tag an image with the target’s name

What do you think about it? Do know other malicious uses of Instagram?

