Your sons are so exposed to Cyber Threats that you should use a Parental Control Software…but how?

Cyberbullying Protecting and How Parental Control Software may help You

Ivan Ferrero Digital Psy
Digital Parenting Tips
4 min readAug 18, 2015


If you have a son or a daughter, chances are you are worried about online issues such as Cyberbullying, Online Harassment, Sexting, and other Cyber Threats.

And you should:

  • more than 1 in 3 young people have experienced Cyber Threats
  • over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet
  • Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs

(from i-Safe Foundation)

The worst thing is: maybe you’ll never know it because your children will never tell you…

Cyberbullying Protection has already become a must, something you have to integrate with your family management.
Though Digital Parenting is not easy due to the ever changing nature of the “Internet of Things”, and our children are very fast to follow these changes.
Furthermore new devices give our sons and daughters an autonomy that allow them to bypass our presence.

This is when a Parental Control Software comes in handy.

I had the opportunity to test the Familoop Safeguard software, and I’m going to use it as study case and I’m going to tell you how to use Parental Control Software like this.

Trust is the Key

Parental Control Software by Familoop has very comprehensive options to monitor and manage your children devices, whether they are PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets:

  • it allows you to lock and unlock the whole device, or a single app
  • you are allowed to set automatic time limits, i.e. a bedtime and school limits
  • so for each device you can decide what apps will be locked and unlocked, and when
Familoop Parental Control gives you total control over the time limits of your son’s devices

You will be tempted, and you shouldn’t.

Trust is the key when we deal with kids and teenagers.

They need to feel trusted by their parents.

The option to manage their devices over the distances is a powerful feature if properly used.

So it’s right to set boundaries, for teens need them, and you will negotiate them.
You talk with your son and discuss their use and their habits, and you find an agreement with him/her (I’ll talk more about it later).

Switch From Control to Smart Monitoring

Parental Control Software by Familoop grants you the same depth when it’s about monitoring what’s happening around your children devices:

  • you are allowed to monitor all the activities, from SMS to Social Networks to each single App
  • as for their relationships, Familoop Safeguard allows you to associate each message with the related contact, so you always know who said what
  • the software analyzes each word and each sentence and give you a “level of maliciousness” with blue, yellow and red alerts, so you can focus on what matters
The platform allows you to monitor each single digital activity of your kids

How are you going to use all these informations?
With all this power, your teens may feel stalked by you if you don’t manage it the right way.
You need to make your children very clear that you’re not going to control them: you’re going to monitor the maybe threats for their protection.

This is why I see the Familoop Safeguard alert levels a great feature: you will focus only on the suspicious alerts.

Teenagehood is the age when more than the others the person defines his/her own Identity, and it starts with defining mental and physical private spaces and splitting different privacy levels.

So some people are allowed to enter some spaces, others are allowed to enter other spaces.

You will respect it.

So you don’t dive into simple chats when you monitor your sons and daughters online activity: again, your attention is only for the suspicious activities.

Familoop gives you three alert levels so you focus only on what matters

Let’s recap: Should you use a Parental Control Software?

Parental Control Softwares like Familoop Safeguard are very useful when it’s time to protect our children from Cyber Threats.
The downside is your teens may feel stalked by you.
So you have to follow some principles in order to get the very best from them:

  • create Trust and keep it alive
  • respect your children Privacy and focus only on the dangerous activities
  • negotiate with them the meaning of all of this and how the software is going to be used

The Familoop staff asked me to partner with them in order to show the benefits and discover maybe cons and explain to the people how to use their software.
I’ll have an account that will allow me to dive into all the features and analyze them.
So expect more articles about it.

In the meantime, you can have a look at Familoop Safeguard by clicking this link.

Familoop’s parental control software is going to be launched this September 2015 so the makers are offering a whooping 60% discount to parents who wants to buy the product ahead of the launching day. All you need to is prepay $2 now and get the full product discounted!

