Dear Parents you are right, and so your Children. Period.

Ivan Ferrero Digital Psy
Digital Parenting Tips
1 min readAug 12, 2015


So you struggle to make your beloved ones reach their goals…your way?
Have you ever asked yourselves what your Teens ways are?

And most of all: have you asked your sons/daughters about their unique ways?

So don’t give them the solution: your kids are not stupid and they’re able to find it on their own.

Give them the means, and let them find the ways, because they’re smart and they’ll find the solution.

Because their World is full of means and tools: they lack the right experience to discern.

And if they fall down they’re strong enough to get up again stronger and stronger.

So allow them to fail: maybe one day you sworn that they would have had a better Life than yours.
It’s good, and having a better Life doesn’t mean a Life without experiences.

Because, dear Parent, if you’re so strong in the present it’s because someone allowed you to fail in the past: are you going to deprive your Teens of such opportunity?

(from my Instagram )

