Hikikomori Syndrome Q&A: an update

Are Hikikomoris similar to Emos?

Emos sub-culture is different from the Hikikomori syndrome.
The former looks for peak sensations and emotions in negative experiences such as pain.
The second finds more and more difficult to face the World, so they retire in their rooms.
They don’t necessarily look for peak sensations.

Did ancient people suffer from our modern pathologies?

Labels change over time.
There are studies about ancient Saints whose behaviors may refer to modern pathologies such as anorexia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, etc…

As for WW2 children, I suggest that there are many levels in our lives (something like the Maslow needs), and when we have a level for assured we move to another level.

Is Hikikomori Syndrome the same all over the World?

Cultural differences…make the difference… :-)
There are several kinds of the Hikikomori Syndrome and they are strictly related to the Culture.

So while Japan has Hikikomoris, here in Italy we have lots of Social Retirees: different origins, different manifestations.
I know they are different form the English Hikikomoris, etc…

Each of them needs different treatments.

Where can I find more?

If you are interested I send you to my Hikikomori’s slides, still in progress (and some grammar to fix… ;-)

