The hidden issue: Transgender and Cyberbullying

Ivan Ferrero Digital Psy
Digital Parenting Tips
2 min readJul 23, 2015

Supportive families and schools critical in protecting transgender youth health, a study says.

We usually refer to ‪#‎cyberbullying‬ and kids, sometimes we refer to cyberbullied adults.
But there is a hidden issue: cyberbullied ‪#‎transgenders‬.

A very strange issue, where only 15 percent of youth with a family doctor felt very comfortable discussing their trans-specific health care needs.
We are facing a hard to contact category, then: they face many difficulties such as discrimination, harassment, bullying.
They find hard to trust to strangers.

So how may we help them?
The great source here is the family , so that if someone had a supportive adult in the family, they were about four times less likely to have self-harmed in the past 12 months and the school , because if they felt more connected to school, they were almost twice as likely to report good or excellent mental health as those with lower levels of school connectedness.

Connection is the key
Not only: in my Professional activity I found youths need to feel at home, a safe place where they are allowed to be themselves, with their fears, their anger, their real feelings.

How about you?
Are you doing your best to make your sons feel at home?

