What can I do for you?

Ivan Ferrero Digital Psy
Digital Parenting Tips
3 min readMay 9, 2016

Educator (2000), Psychologist Psy.D (2003), Psychotherapist (2009).

My work focuses on helping Teenagers, Parents and Professionals to deal with New Technologies.

You can download my full Curriculum HERE.

By working with Children and Teenagers (Schools, home, Territory) I have a clear understanding of the young generations needs and desires.
My Digital passion makes me understand the actual impact of the New Technologies on our Life.

CEO of Depression-Anxiety-Panic SelfHelp Group, www.bullismoonline.it and the Bullismo Online Fanpage, I use my Web Marketing skills to help Teenagers and Parents with Cyberbullying, Hikikomori and Internet Addiction.

I partner with Startups and other Companies as Brand Ambassador and columnist: my posts are crafted to provide the best information, with a focus on engagement and a strong interaction with his audience.

I write about Teens, New Technologies and related issues on many Social Networks and platforms, and I currently work with Familoop as Cyberbullying Protection Expert.

I provide a range of Services whilst being a Parenting Advisor, Anti-Cyberbullying Ambassador, Cyber Advocate, and Scientific partner for many companies and non-profit Associations all around the World.

Are you a Parent?

If you feel in trouble with your kids or you are worried about their behavior you can contact me at ivan.ferrero[email protected] for a customized advice service that will happen via videocall (Skype, Hangout) and email.

Are you a Psychologist?

I help my Colleagues to bootstrap their professional activity by using the Web.
My experience in Webmarketing (that I use for my job too) and Social Media Strategy will help you to find the right tools for your business and to achieve your goals faster and to avoid the trials/errors trap.
It means you will cut the costs and the loss of money and time.

Learn more about my Transmedia Strategy at http://bit.ly/letsconnectplus and follow me on Snapchat at ivan_psy, where I share my Parenting Tips and my Educational Snaps.

Contact me at ivan.ferrero[email protected] for inquiries.

Are you a Start Up, a Company or a No-Profit?

I’m available for writings, Scientific Director/Advisor and Trainer, Community Manager: my voice is leading and strongly influencing, and my advice helps my readers every day to manage their Children Digital Life.
I write about Teens, New Technologies and related issues on many Social Networks and platforms.

Contact me at ivan.ferrero[email protected] for inquiries.

My partners:

Cyberbullying Protection Expert at Familoop.com

I also appeared on:

The Good Men Project

Yellow Bricks

Familoop Parental Control Software

What people are saying about me:

Originally published at www.digitalparentingtips.com.

